Bibliography for Cooperia Ransom, 1907
The Cooperia Ransom, 1907 bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Antipin, D.N. 1931. Cooperia surnabada n.sp. aus den Dündarm des Rindes Azerbaidjans. Deutsche Tierärztliche Wochenschrift 39: 469-471
- Banks, A.W. & Korthals, V.S. 1959. Risk of worm disease in cattle moved from dry country to lush pasture. Australian Veterinary Journal 35: 460-462
- Baylis, A.H. 1929. Two new species of Cooperia (Nematoda) from Australian cattle. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 4: 529-535
- Baylis, H.A. 1938. A new species of Cooperia (Nematoda) from cattle and sheep. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 11 1: 68-73
- Beveridge, I. & Ford, G.E. 1982. The trichostrongyloid parasites of sheep in South Australia and their regional distribution. Australian Veterinary Journal 59: 177-179
- Daubney 1933. Trichostrongylid nematodes from sheep in Kenya. Parasitology 25: 224-241
- Edgar, G. 1933. Some observations on trichostrongylosis in young sheep. Australian Veterinary Journal 9: 149-154
- Edgar, G. 1936. Fatal effects of heavy infestation with Cooperia curticei (Railliet, 1893) in goats. Australian Veterinary Journal 12: 58-61
- Fabiyi, J.P. & Copeman, D.B. 1989. Inhibited development of trichostrongylid worms in grazing cattle. Australian Veterinary Journal 66: 240-242
- Giles, G.M. 1892. A description of two new nematode parasites found in sheep. Memoirs of Medical Officers of the Army of India 7: 45-49
- Gordon, H.M. 1932. Some helminth parasites reported from Australia for the first time, with a description of Cooperia mcmasteri, sp.nov., from a calf. Australian Veterinary Journal 8: 2-12
- Gordon, H.M. & Sommerville, R.I. 1958. New records of nematode parasites in Australia. Australian Journal of Science 21: 148-149
- Isenstein, R.S. 1971. The polymorphic relationship of Cooperia oncophora (Railliet, 1898) Ransom, 1907, to Cooperia surnabada Antipin, 1931 (Nematoda: Trichostrongylidae). International Journal for Parasitology 57: 316-319
- Linstow, O. in Schnyder, O. 1907. Eine neue Strongylusart. Centralblatt für Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde und Infektionskrankheiten I. Abt Origin. 43: 708-709
- Railliet, A. 1898. Rectification de la nomenclature d'après les travaux récents. Recueil de Médecine Véterinaire de l'École d'Alfort 75: 171-174
- Ransom, B.H. 1907. Notes on parasitic nematodes including descriptions of new genera and species and observations on life histories. Bulletin of the United States Department of Agriculture and Animal Industry Circular 116: 1-52
- Roberts, F.H.S. 1936. The distribution of the gastro-intestinal parasites of sheep in Queensland. Queensland Agricultural Journal 46: 30-37
- Roberts, F.H.S. 1939. The occurrence and prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths in apparently healthy cattle in Queensland. Journal of Comparative Pathology 52: 160-165
- Rogers, W.P. 1939. Nematode parasites of sheep in Western Australia. Journal of Helminthology 17: 151-158
- Seddon, H.R. & McGrath, T.T. 1931. Observations on conditions requisite for ther transmission of gastro-intestinal nematodes of sheep. Veterinary Research Report, Department of Agriculture, New South Wales 6: 40-57
- Walker, M.L. & Becklund, W.W. 1968. A note on the morphology of Cooperia punctata (Linstow, 1907) and Cooperia spatulata Baylis, 1938. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 35: 49-51
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