Bibliography for Ceratognathus niger Westwood, 1838
The Ceratognathus niger Westwood, 1838 bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Alderson, J. 1975. Description of the larvae of Ceratognathus niger (Westw.) Coleoptera: Lucanidae (Stag Beetle). Victorian Naturalist 92: 217-221
- Castelnau, F.L. Laporte de 1840. Histoire Naturelle des Insectes Coléoptères, avec une introduction renfermant l'anatomie et la physiologie des animaux articulés, par M. Brullé. Paris : P. Duménil Vol. 2 563 pp.
- Parry, F.J.S. 1863. A few remarks upon Mr. James Thomson's catalogue of Lucanidae, published in the "Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 1862". Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 3 1: 442-452
- Westwood, J.O. 1838. Lucanidarum novarum exoticarum Descriptiones, cum Monographia Generum Nigidii et Figuli. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 5: 259-268
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