Genus Nyctimene Borkhausen, 1797
- Nyctimene Borkhausen, M.B. 1797. Deutsche Fauna, oder kurzgefasste Naturgeschichte der Thiere Deutschlands. Erster Theil. Säugthiere und Vögel. Frankfurt am. Mayn : Varrentr & Wenner xxiv 620 pp. [86] [Nyctimene is an available name in both Deutsche Fauna and Der Zoologe, heft VÆVIII, pp. 60–61; the publication dates in 1797 of Deutsche Fauna and Der Zoologe, heft V–VIII are not known to Mahoney, J.; but the date at the bottom of the Vorrede in Deutsche Fauna (p. spare xiv) is April 1797 whereas that at the bottom of the notice on the inside front cover of Der Zoologe, heft V–VIII is May 1797 and this admittedly weak internal evidence is the basis for regarding Deutsche Fauna as the earlier work; Andersen (1912) and Iredale & Troughton (1934) attributed the authorship of Nyctimene in Der Zoologe to E.-A. or E.A., but these initials are not placed at the end of 'A. Fortgesetzte Beschreibung der Säugthiere' (heft V–VIII, pp. 1–142) where Nyctimene is described (pp. 60–61), but at the end of 'B. Nachträge zu den bisher beschriebenen Gattungen' (heft V–VIII, pp. 143–151) and Andersen's (and Iredale & Troughton's) attribution of the authorship of Nyctimene in Der Zoologe to E.-A. may not be correct. The identity of E.-A. is not known to Mahoney, J.; Barrett-Hamilton (1911) and Miller (1912) believed that Bechstein (Barrett-Hamilton) and Borkhausen (Miller) are involved in the authorship of the chiropteran text in Der Zoologe].
Type species:
Vespertilio cephalotes Pallas, 1767 by subsequent monotypy, see Anon. 1797. Dritter Abschnitt. A. Fortgesetzte Beschreibung der Säugthiere. pp. 1-142 in Andre, C.A. (ed.). Der Zoologie oder Compendiöse Bibliothek des Wissenswürdigsten aus der Thiergeschichte und allgemeinen Naturkunde. Erster Band heft V–VIII. Compendiöse Bibliothek der gemeinnützigsten Kenntnisse für alle Stände. Eisenach und Halle : J.J. Gebauer.Secondary source:
Barrett-Hamilton, G.E.H. 1911. A History of British Mammals. Pt IV. London : Gurney & Jackson 25-32,169-208-1 pl. (unnumbered), pl.; Andersen, K. 1912. Catalogue of the Chiroptera in the Collection of the British Museum. Megachiroptera. London : British Museum Vol. 1 2, cii 854 pp.; Miller, G.S. 1912. Catalogue of the Mammals of Western Europe (Europe exclusive of Russia) in the Collection of the British Museum. London : British Museum xvi 1019 pp.; Iredale, T. & Troughton, E. le G. 1934. A check-list of the mammals recorded from Australia. Memoirs of the Australian Museum 6: i-xii 1-122. - Nyctymene Bechstein, J.M. 1800. Thomas Pennant's allgemeine Uebersicht der vierfüssigen Thiere.Aus dem englischen übersetzt aud mit Anmerkungen und Zusätzen versehen von J.M. Bechstein. Weimar : Industrie-Comptoir's Vol. 2 xi 323-768 pls 35-54. [615, 627-628, 736] [unjustified emendation of Nyctimene Borkhausen, 1797].
- Cephalotes Geoffroy [Saint-Hilaire], É. 1810. Description des roussettes et des céphalotes, deux nouveaux genres de la famille des chauve-souris. Annales du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris 15: 86-108 pls 4-7 [publication date established from Sherborn, C.D. 1914. An attempt at fixation of the dates of issue of the Parts of the publications of the Musée d'Histoire Naturelle of Paris, 1802-1850. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 8 13: 365-368 [367]] [104] [recorded from Australia by Trouessart, E.-L. 1899. Catalogus Mammalium tam Viventium quam Fossilium. Nova editio (Prima completa). Tom. II Fasc. VI. Appendix (addenda et corrigenda). Index alphabeticus. Berolini : R. Friedländer & Sohn 1265–1469 pp. [1277]].
Type species:
Vespertilio cephalotes Pallas, 1767 by absolute tautonymy. - Harpyia Illiger, J.C.W. 1811. Prodromus Systematis Mammalium et Avium, additis terminis zoographicis utriusque classis, eorumque versione Germanica. Berolini : Sumptibus C. Salfeld xvii 301 pp. [118] [recorded from Australia by Trouessart (1878)].
Type species:
Vespertilio cephalotes Pallas, 1767 by monotypy.Secondary source:
Trouessart, E.-L. 1878. Catalogue des mammifères vivants et fossiles. Revue et Magasin de Zoologie Pure et Appliquée. Paris 3 6: 201-254. - Gelasinus Temminck, C.J. 1837. Les cheiroptères frugivores. Additions aux vues générales sur l'ordre des cheiroptères, révision de la monographie du genre Roussette et monographies des genres Pachysome, Macroglosse, Harpie et Céphalote. pp. 49–112 pls 35–40. Leiden : C.C. van der Hoek Vol. 2. [publication date established from Husson, A.M. 1962. The bats of Suriname. Zoologische Verhandelingen 58: 1–282 pls 1–30 [276]] [100] [recorded from Australia by Matschie, P. 1899. Die Fledermäuse des Berliner Museums für Naturkunde. Lfg 1. Die Megachiroptera des Berliner Museums für Naturkunde. Vierzehn Unter Leitung von Prof. W. Peters und Paul Matschie gezeichnete und lithographirte tafeln. Bearbeitet und durch 2 Verbreitungskarten und Bestimmungstabellen für alle bekannten Arten ergänzt. Berlin : G. Reimer viii 107 pp. 14 pls [83]].
Type species:
Cephalotes pallasii Geoffroy, 1810 (=Harpyia pallasii (Geoffroy, 1810)) by monotypy. - Uronycteris Gray, J.E. 1863. Description of some new species of mammalia. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1862: 261-263 pls 33-35 [publication date established from Duncan, F.M. 1937. On the dates of publication of the Society's 'Proceedings', 1859–1926. With an appendix containing the dates of publication of 'Proceedings', 1830–1858, compiled by the late F.H. Waterhouse, and of the 'Transactions', 1853–1869, by the late Henry Peavot, originally published in P.Z.S. 1893, 1913. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 107: 71–84 [72]] [262] [originally proposed as a subgenus of Cynopterus Cuvier, 1824; recorded from Australia by Ogilby, J.D. 1892. Catalogue of Australian Mammalia, with introductory notes on general mammology. Cat. Aust. Mus. No. 16 . xvi 142 pp. [80–81]].
Type species:
Uronycteris albiventer Gray, 1863 by monotypy.
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
- Miller, G.S. 1907. The families and genera of bats. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 57: i-xvii 1-282 pls 1-14 [75]
- Andersen, K. 1912. Catalogue of the Chiroptera in the Collection of the British Museum. Megachiroptera. London : British Museum Vol. 1 2, cii 854 pp. [681]
There is taxonomic confusion on the Australian and extralimital nearby populations of Nyctimene.
Hall & Richards (1979) erroneously report N. albiventer (Gray, 1863) for Australia. Nyctimene vizcaccia Thomas, 1914 was recorded from Moa Island by Strahan (1995) but no one else ever confirmed this record. Duncan et al. (1999) and Richards (2008, 2013) list N. cephalotes (Pallas, 1767) for Australia, while Churchill (2008), Burbidge et al. (2014) and Jackson & Groves (2015) do not - a position followed here - on the basis of unpublished data suggesting that the records of N. cephalotes for Moa Is. could be more likely correspond to N. robinsoni.
Excluded Taxa
- Misidentifications
PTEROPODIDAE: Nyctimene albiventer (Gray, 1863) [=
Cynopterus (Uronycteris) albiventer Gray, 1863, syn.Nyctimene papuanus Andersen, 1910, see Trouessart (1878: 207); Andersen (1910); Ride (1970: 182, 205); Winter & Allison (1980) and Hall, Richards & Spencer (1995)]PTEROPODIDAE: Nyctimene cephalotes (Pallas, 1767) [=
Vespertilio cephalotes Pallas, 1767, see Dobson (1878: 88–89) and Troughton (1926)]PTEROPODIDAE: Nyctimene vizcaccia Thomas, 1914 — Simmons, N.B. 2005. Order Chiroptera. pp. 312-529 in Wilson, D.E. & Reeder, D.M. (Eds). Mammal species of the world. A taxonomic and geographic reference. Baltimore (USA) : The John Hopkins University Press Vol. 1 Third Edition, pp. i-xxxv, 1-743. [332]
New South Wales, Queensland
Extra Distribution Information
Eastern SE Asian islands, New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago and Solomon Ils.
NSW, Qld: Brigalow Belt North (BBN), Central Mackay Coast (CMC), Cape York Peninsula (CYP), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Wet Tropics (WT)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- New South Wales: SE coastal
- Queensland: NE coastal
- Solomon Islands
Oriental Region
Distribution References
General References
Andersen, K. 1910. Ten new fruit-bats of the genera Nyctimene, Cynopterus and Eonycteris. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 8 6: 621-625
Churchill, S. 2008. Australian Bats. Sydney : Allen & Unwin 2nd edition, 255 pp.
Jackson, S. & Groves, C. 2015. Taxonomy of Australian Mammals. Melbourne : CSIRO Publishing 520 pp. [234]
Richards, G.C. 2008. Northern Tube-nosed Bat Nyctimene cephalotes (Pallas, 1767). p. 432 in van Dyck, S. & Strahan, R. The Mammals of Australia. Third Edition. Sydney : Reed New Holland 887 pp.
Richards, G.C. 2013. Northern Tube-nosed Bat Nyctimene cephalotes. p. 120 in Van Dyck, Gynther, I. & Baker, A. Field companion to the Mammals of Australia. New Holland Publishers 573 pp.
Trouessart, E.-L. 1878. Catalogue des mammifères vivants et fossiles. Revue et Magasin de Zoologie Pure et Appliquée. Paris 3 6: 201-254
Winter, J.W. & Allison, F.R. 1980. The native Mammals of Cape York Peninsula - changes in status since the 1948 Archbold Expedition. pp. 31-44 in Stevens, N.C. & Bailey, A. (eds). Contemporary Cape York Peninsula. The proceedings of a symposium held at the Kindler Lecture Theatre, Queensland Institute of Technology, 29 October, 1979. Brisbane : Royal Society of Queensland.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
12-Dec-2022 | CHIROPTERA | 12-Dec-2022 | MOVED | |
04-Dec-2018 | CHIROPTERA | 04-Dec-2018 | MODIFIED | |
17-Nov-2010 | 17-Nov-2010 | MOVED | ||
04-Dec-2018 | 17-Nov-2010 | MOVED | ||
02-Dec-2010 | 12-Dec-2022 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Dec-2022 | MODIFIED |