Australian Biological Resources Study

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Family CALLIANIDEIDAE Kossman, 1880


Callianideid ghost shrimps resemble callianassids and similar families in having a short triangular rostrum, flat eyestalks and no interacting lobes between the carapace and pleon but differ in having a long seta attached to the posterior lobe of the scaphognathite (epipod of the maxilla) (Poore 2015; Poore et al. 2019). Micheleids also have this long seta but in members of that family the carapace and pleonite interact by means of a pair of lobes and the eyestalks are cylindrical. Callianideids are assumed to be burrowers in soft sediments but species of Thomassinia have a unique toothbrush-like maxilliped 3 that suggests feeding on hard surfaces.

Poore (1997) reviewed the family, and Poore (1994) provided a key to genera. Poore (2015) synonymised Callianideidae and Thomassiniidae.



Posterior margin of carapace without lateral lobes, pleonite 1 without anterolateral lobes, weakly chitinised. Maxilla scaphognathite with long seta on posterior lobe extending into branchial chamber.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
13-Mar-2025 CRUSTACEA Brünnich, 1772 01-Jan-2025 MODIFIED Dr Gary Poore
08-May-2012 11-Aug-2015 MODIFIED
03-Jun-2010 MODIFIED