Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory

<I>Chelura terebrans</I>

Chelura terebrans


Regional Maps

Family CHELURIDAE Allman, 1847


The Cheluridae are a small family of highly modified wood-scraping amphipods. According to J.L. Barnard (1955) they invade and enlarge holes made by limnoriid isopods. McNeill (1932) discussed their pest status in Australian waters and considered that Chelura terebrans is probably introduced. Cookson (1991) reported Tropichelura insulae from Australian waters for the first time. Becker (1971) discussed their biology, physiology and ecology. A key to genera is found in Barnard & Karaman (1991).



Head as long as deep or deeper than long; rostrum short or absent; eyes round or ovoid. Body cylindrical or subcylindrical, smooth, with sparse slender setae or without setae. Antenna 1 shorter than antenna 2; peduncular article 1 subequal to, or longer than article 2; article 2 subequal to, or longer than article 3; article 3 shorter than or subequal to article 1; accessory flagellum present or absent; primary flagellum less than or more than 5-articulate; callynophore absent. Antenna 2 medium length; flagellum shorter than peduncle; less than 5-articulate; clavate. Mandible incisor dentate; molar fully triturating. Maxilla 1 inner plate weakly setose apically. Maxilliped inner plates well developed; outer plates small. Coxae 1–4 longer than broad, as long as broad or broader than long, overlapping or discontiguous. Gnathopod 1 not sexually dimorphic; subequal to, or larger (or stouter) than gnathopod 2; subchelate or parachelate; coxa smaller than or subequal to coxa 2; carpus shorter than or subequal to propodus, slightly or not produced along posterior margin of propodus. Gnathopod 2 not sexually dimorphic; simple or parachelate; coxa subequal to but not hidden by coxa 3 or larger than coxa 3; ischium short; carpus long, shorter than, subequal to, or longer than propodus. Pereopod 3 carpus shorter than propodus, not produced. Pereopod 4 coxa smaller than or subequal to coxa 3, without posteroventral lobe; carpus shorter than propodus, not produced. Pereopod 5 shorter than pereopod 6; coxa smaller than coxa 4, with posterodorsal lobe; basis slightly expanded, subrectangular, without posteroventral lobe; carpus weakly expanded or linear. Pereopod 6 shorter than pereopod 7; basis expanded or slightly expanded. Pereopod 7 longer than pereopod 5; similar or different in structure to pereopod 6; basis expanded or slightly expanded, with broad posteroventral lobe, with or without dense long slender setae. Urosomites 1–3 coalesced. Uropods 1–3 radically dissimilar in structure and size. Uropods 1–2 apices of rami with or without robust setae. Uropod 2 peduncle with large dorsal flange. Uropod 3 biramous or uniramous; peduncle short or long; rami linguiform, foliaceous or vestigial; outer ramus longer than peduncle; inner ramus not apically setose. Telson thickened dorsoventrally; entire; longer than broad or broader than long; dorsal and apical robust setae absent.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Aug-2022 AMPHIPODA 12-Feb-2013 MOVED Dr Jim Lowry (AM)
05-Aug-2022 06-Feb-2013 MODIFIED
05-Aug-2022 22-Nov-2012 MODIFIED
05-Aug-2022 19-Dec-2011 MODIFIED
05-Aug-2022 02-Jul-2010 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)