Bibliography for CALESCHARIDAE Cook & Bock, 2001
The CALESCHARIDAE Cook & Bock, 2001 bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Bock, P.E. 1982. Bryozoans (Phylum Bryozoa). pp. 319-394 in Shepherd, S.A. & Thomas, I.M. (eds). Marine Invertebrates of Southern Australia. Handbook of the Flora and Fauna of South Australia Adelaide : Government Printer Part 1 491 pp.
- Cook, P.L. & Bock, P.E. 2001. Calescharidae, a new family for the Tertiary to Recent genera Caleschara MacGillivray and Tretosina Canu & Bassler (Bryozoa: Cheilostomata). Invertebrate Taxonomy 15: 527-550
- Macgillivray, P.H. 1869. Descriptions of some new genera and species of Australian Polyzoa; to which is added a list of species found in Victoria. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 9: 126-148
- Macgillivray, P.H. 1880. Polyzoa. 27-52, pls 45-49 in McCoy, F. (ed.). Prodromus of the Zoology of Victoria Decade 5. Melbourne : George Robertson Vol. 5.
- Wass, R.E. & Yoo, J.J. 1983. Cheilostome Bryozoa from the Southern Australian Continental Shelf. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 34: 303-354
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