Genus Boleodorus Thorne, 1941
Bibliography for Boleodorus Thorne, 1941
The Boleodorus Thorne, 1941 bibliography is also available in CSV format.
- Lima, M.B. & Siddiqi, M.R. 1963. Boleodorus volutus n. sp. (Nematoda : Nothotylenchinae) found in soil about grass roots in England. Nematologica 9: 19-23
- McLeod, R., Reay, F. & Smyth, J. 1994. Plant Nematodes of Australia Listed by Plant and by Genus. NSW Agriculture and RIRDC. 201 pp.
- Thorne, G. 1941. Some nematodes of the family Tylenchidae which do not possess a valvular median esophageal bulb. Great Basin Naturalist 1941: 37-85
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