Australian Biological Resources Study

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Species Bilbilis elongatus Gnezdilov, 2017

Compiler and date details

5 December 2017 - Murray J. Fletcher



This species, based on a single male specimen, was described from Kalbarri NP, north of Perth, Western Australia.




Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.

IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


WA: Geraldton Sandplains (GS)

Ecological Descriptors

All stages: phloem feeder.



Coloration General coloration light brown whitish. Postclypeus with red lateral stripes besides of median carina. Rostrum with black second and third segments. Pro- and mesonotum whitish, with wide light brown median stripe, but median carinae whitish; sensory pits light brown. Paranotal lobes brown near to antennae, with whitish outer margins. Fore wings whitish, each with large brown area between R and CuA. Tegulae whitish. Legs light brown to brown. Apices of leg spines black. Episternae, epimerae, and abdomen including genital block brown. Styles whitish, with brown margins. Morphology Length 3mm. Metope elongate, nearly twice as long as wide between the eyes, slightly enlarged below the eyes above the clypeus. Lateral margins of metope roof-like over pedicel. Metope with distinct median carina running from its straight upper margin through postclypeus and sublateral carinae running from its upper margin and indistinct in its lower third. Metopoclypeal suture weakly convex. Postclypeus with median carina. Anteclypeus without carina. Rostrum nearly reaching hind coxae. Second and third rostrum segments are almost equal in length. Third rostrum segment conically narrowing apically. Pedicel shortly cylindrical. Ocelli present. Coryphe transverse, with median carina; anterior margin strongly convex; posterior margin deeply concave. Lateral margins of coryphe nearly straight. Coryphe margins keel-shaped. Coryphe and metope joint at acute angle (in lateral view). Pronotum with median carina and 2 rows of sensory pits with seta inside – upper row with 8 pits and lower row with 4 pits on each side besides median carina. Paradiscal fields relatively wide, each with a row of sensory pits. Paranotal lobes large and long, with trough-curved lower margin. Mesonotum 1.5 times as long as pronotum, with smooth median and lateral carinae. Tegulae small. Fore wings elongate, slightly enlarged apically, with narrow hypocostal plate. Basal cell large, oval. R 2 M 2 CuA 3. Radius and median furcating near to basal cell. Cubitus anterior furcating near to wing middle. Clavus as long as whole wing, close. Pcu fusing with A1 at clavus middle. Hind wings rudimentary. Hind tibia with 2 lateral spines in distal third and with 8 apical spines. First metatarsomere slightly longer than second one, with 2 latero-apical and around 10 intermediate spines. Second metatarsomere with only 2 latero-apical spines. Male genitalia Pygofer long (vertically), with slightly convex hind margin. Anal tube wide, narrowly rounded apically (in dorsal view), with lateral margins turned down in shape of elongately rounded processes (in lateral view). Anal column (paraproct) long, almost half as long as anal tube. Connective with large and wide cup. Phallobase strongly curved – horse-shoe shaped (in lateral view), wide in proximal half. Each dorso-lateral lobe with large elongately rounded process on its ventral margin (which is weakly sclerotized) above ventral aedeagal hooks (in lateral view). Dorso-lateral lobes rounded apically, each with oblique transverse carina. Aedeagus with pair of long (more than half as long as phallobase) narrow ventral hooks directed basally, pointed apically. Apical aedeagal processes bilobed apically. Style with convex hind margin and long and narrow capitulum without teeth (Gnezdilov 2017).


ID Keys

Gnezdilov 2017: 8–9


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
NOGODINIDAE Melichar, 1898 05-Dec-2017 ADDED Dr Murray Fletcher