Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Species Bilbilis dorsalis (Walker, 1851)

Compiler and date details

5 December 2017 - Murray J. Fletcher

19 April 2011 - Murray J. Fletcher



Walker (1851) indicated that his single specimen was a male by the use of "Mas." beside the name but Gnezdilov (2017) stated that the specimen is female and provided photographs of the specimen.



Recorded from "Australia".

Ecological Descriptors

All stages: phloem feeder.



Body yellow, short and broad; a brown longitudinal middle stripe on the head and chest and a row of brown dots on each side; head full half the breadth of the fore-wing near the base; crown short and broad, slightly convex in front, equally concave behind, its breadth about four times its length; fore part of the front scutcheon-shaped, with a row of brown spots along each side, its length much exceeding its breadth; epistoma tapering, much shorter and narrower than the front, mottled with brown on each side; mouth yellow; fore-chest very convex in front, equally concave behind, much longer than the head; middle-chest tawny, much longer than the fore-chest, very convex in front, straight along the hind border, with two yellow stripes on each side; abdomen obconical, a little shorter than the chest, brown above, tawny beneath; hind borders of the segments yellow; legs tawny, grooved; fore-wings dull tawny, nearly triangular, very convex on the fore border, truncate at the tips which are very broad; a short irregular and interrupted yellow band in the disk; nearer the tip a brown band proceeds from the fore border to the disk, and there bends to the tip; veins tawny; hind-wings wanting? Length of the body 11½ lines; of the wings 4 lines (Walker 1851).

Length 4.0 mm. Metope with 6 pairs (two pits situated closely) of sensory pits besides each sublateral carina (Gnezdilov 2017).


ID Keys

Gnezdilov 2017: 8–9


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
13-Dec-2017 NOGODINIDAE Melichar, 1898 05-Dec-2017 MODIFIED Dr Murray Fletcher
04-May-2011 04-May-2011 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)