Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

CAVS: 8889

Subspecies Barnardius zonarius zonarius (Shaw, 1805)

  • Psittacus zonarius Shaw, G. in Shaw, G. & Nodder, F.P. (ill.) 1805. The Naturalist's Miscellany; or coloured figures of natural objects drawn and described immediately from nature. London : Nodder Vol. XVI pls 637-684. [text to pl. 657] [source material not specified in original description nor in subsequent references, but venue and date of publication indicate that it was collected by Robert Brown on Matthew Flinders' circumnavigation of Australia in 1801–1803, and probably at Memory Cove near Port Lincoln, Eyre Peninsula: all material of this form reaching England up to the time of Gould appears to have come from the tip of Eyre Peninsula, see Gould, J. 1865. Handbook to the Birds of Australia. London : J. Gould 2 629 pp. [For publication date Mathews, G.M. 1925. The Birds of Australia. Supplements 4 & 5. Bibliography of the Birds of Australia Pts 1 & 2. London : H.F. & G. Witherby viii 149 pp.] (44); Brown's collections were deposited in BMNH with a second set going to the Linnean Society of London; only those in the Linnean Society survived, from which they were transferred to BMNH in 1863, see Sharpe, R.B. 1906. Birds. pp. 79–515 in, The History of the Collections contained in the Natural History Departments of the British Museum. London : British Museum Vol. 2. (414); Mathews, G.M. 1925. The Birds of Australia. Supplements 4 & 5. Bibliography of the Birds of Australia Pts 1 & 2. London : H.F. & G. Witherby viii 149 pp. (19); Whittell, H.M. 1954. The Literature of Australian Birds: a History and Bibliography of Australian Ornithology. Perth : Paterson Brokensha xi 116 788 pp. (57–58): because type material of Psittacus zonarius Shaw, 1805 can no longer be traced, it is likely that it was part of the original R. Brown set in BMNH that was dispersed and lost].
    Type data:
     Holotype whereabouts unknown (?lost, ex Robert Brown coll.), Port Lincoln (=Memory Cove), SA (as Australasia).
    Type locality references:
    Mathews, G.M. 1912. A Reference-List to the Birds of Australia. Novitates Zoologicae 18: 171-455 [Date published 31 Jan 1912].
  • Psittacus viridis Shaw, G. 1812. General Zoology, or Systematic Natural History. Aves. London : Kearsley, Wilkie & Robinson Vol. VIII Pt 2 vi pp. 244-557 pls 46-84. [Date published 1811] [465] [nom. nov. for Psittacus zonarius Shaw, 1805; junior homonym of Psittacus viridis Meuschen, 1787 (=Amazona farinosa (Boddaert, 1783)), nec Psittacus viridis Latham, 1790 (=Eclectus roratus (P.L.S. Müller, 1776)), nec Psittacus elegans viridis Kerr, 1792 (=Platycercus elegans (Gmelin, 1788)), nec Psittacus viridis Perry, 1810 (=Pezoporus wallicus (Kerr, 1792))].
  • Psittacus cyanomelas Kuhl, H. 1820. Conspectus Psittacorum. Cum specierum definitionibus, novarum descriptionibus, synonymis et circa patriam singularum naturalem adversariis, adjecto indice museorum, ubi earum artificiosae exuviae servantur. Nova Acta Physico-Medica Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae 10: 1-104 pls I-III [53] [based on specimen collected by Robert Brown at Memory Cove, SA, on Feb. 23, 1802, on Matthew Flinders' circumnavigation of Australia, see Vigors, N.A. & Horsfield, T. 1827. A description of the Australian birds in the collection of the Linnean Society; with an attempt at arranging them according to their natural affinities. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 15: 170–331 [publication dated 1826, published Feb. 1827] (40–58); Warren, R.L.M. 1966. Type-specimens of Birds in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 1 Non-Passerines. London : British Museum ix 320 pp.].
    Type data:
     Holotype BMNH 1863.7.6.5 unsexed adult (ex Linnean Society of London coll.), Memory Cove, Eyre Peninsula, SA (as Nova Hollandia)
    Comment: for identification of holotype, see Warren, R.L.M. 1966. Type-specimens of Birds in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 1 Non-Passerines. London : British Museum ix 320 pp.
  • Psittacus baueri Temminck, C.J. 1821. Account of some new species of birds of the genera Psittacus and Columba, in the Museum of the Linnean Society. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 13: 107-130 [publication dated as 1822] [118] [junior objective synonym of Psittacus cyanomelas Kuhl, 1820, based on same specimen, see entries under H. Kuhl & C.J. Temminck and these specific names in Mathews, G.M. 1925. The Birds of Australia. Supplements 4 & 5. Bibliography of the Birds of Australia Pts 1 & 2. London : H.F. & G. Witherby viii 149 pp., Whittell, H.M. 1954. The Literature of Australian Birds: a History and Bibliography of Australian Ornithology. Perth : Paterson Brokensha xi 116 788 pp. and Warren, R.L.M. 1966. Type-specimens of Birds in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 1 Non-Passerines. London : British Museum ix 320 pp. (33, 74)].
    Type data:
     Holotype BMNH 1863.7.6.5 unsexed adult (ex Linnean Society of London coll.), Memory Cove, Eyre Peninsula, SA (as Memory Cove, à la côte sud de la Nouvelle Hollande)
    Comment: for identification of holotype, see Salvadori, T. 1891. Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Psittaci, or Parrots. London : British Museum Vol. 20 xvii 658 pp. XVIII pls (561); Warren, R.L.M. 1966. Type-specimens of Birds in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 1 Non-Passerines. London : British Museum ix 320 pp.
  • Platycercus occidentalis North, A.J. 1893. Description of a new species of parrakeet, of the genus Platycercus, from North-West Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 2: 83-88 [83] [although measurements in original description based on one specimen, ensuing remarks by North in the protologue show that he had two specimens before him, both females from E.H. Saunders at Karratha, neither of which he designated as 'type'; Hindwood, K.A. 1946. A list of the types and paratypes of birds from Australian localities in the Australian Museum, Sydney, New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 21: 386–393 and Longmore, N.W. 1991. Type specimens of birds in the Australian Museum. Technichal Report of the Australian Museum n 4: 1–42 cite one of these, AM 0.3313, as holotype, effecting lectotypification under ICZN Art.74].
    Type data:
     Lectotype AM 0.3313 adult, Karratha Station, 36 miles SW of Roeburne, WA.
    Paralectotype(s) AM 0.3312 adult.
  • Platycercus zonarius connectens Mathews, G.M. 1912. A Reference-List to the Birds of Australia. Novitates Zoologicae 18: 171-455 [Date published 31 Jan 1912] [274].
    Type data:
     Holotype AMNH 623205 (G.M. Mathews' coll. no. 3870), Milly Pool, c. 35 km northwest of Wiluna, WA (as East Murchison)
    Comment: for identification of holotype, see Greenway, J.C. 1978. Type specimens of birds in the American Museum of Natural History. Pt 2. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 161: 1–306.
    Type locality references:
    Schodde, R. in Schodde, R. & Mason, I.J. 1997. Aves (Columbidae to Coraciidae). In, Houston, W.W.K. & Wells, A. (eds). Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Melbourne : CSIRO Publishing, Australia Vol. 37.2 xiii 440 pp. [141] (from itinerary of collector, see Whitlock, F.L. 1910. On the East Murchison. Four months collecting trip. Emu 9: 181–219).
  • Platycercus zonarius dundasi Mathews, G.M. 1912. A Reference-List to the Birds of Australia. Novitates Zoologicae 18: 171-455 [Date published 31 Jan 1912] [274] [holotype figured on pl. 308 and described in detail on p. 375 in Mathews, G.M. 1917. The Birds of Australia. London : Witherby & Co. Vol. 6 pt 5 pp. 373–444 pls 308–316 [11 Sept. 1917, volume dated as 1916-1917 Mathews, G.M. 1919. The Birds of Australia. London : Witherby & Co. Vol. 7 pt 5 pp. 385–499 + xii pls 363–370 Appendixes A & B [publication dated as from preface, 12 June 1919 given in Appendix B] (Appendix B)]; for its identification, see Greenway, J.C. 1978. Type specimens of birds in the American Museum of Natural History. Pt 2. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 161: 1–306; holotype interpreted as approaching B. z. semitorquatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1830) in its dark grassy green back by Cain, A.J. 1955. A revision of Trichoglossus haematodus and of the Australian platycercine parrots. Ibis 97: 432–479, nevertheless, its illustration of dark toning generally, black frons, and clearly demarcated ventral pattern match nominotypical B. z. zonarius (Shaw, 1805) from throughout its southern range—moreover, the type locality of dundasi is well east of the zone of intergradation between nominotypical zonarius and semitorquatus recorded by Serventy, D.L. & Whittell, H.M. 1976. Birds of Western Australia. Perth : University Western Australia Press x (un-numbered) 481 pp.].
    Type data:
     Holotype AMNH 623130 adult (G.M. Mathews' coll. no. 5166), Lake Dundas, WA.
  • Barnardius zonarius myrtae White, S.A. 1915. Scientific notes on an expedition into the north-western regions of South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 39: 707-842 [Mathews, G.M. 1920. Dates of ornithological works. Austral Avian Records 4: 1–27] [745] [holotype and paratype figured on pl. 1 in White, S.A. 1916. Central Australian Yellow-banded Parrot (Barnardius zonarius myrtae). Emu 16: 68].
    Type data:
     Holotype SAMA (ex S.A. White coll.), Horshoe Bend, Finke River, NT.
    Paratype(s) SAMA (ex S.A. White coll.).
  • Barnardius zonarius woolundra Mathews, G.M. 1919. In Proceedings of meeting of British Ornithologists' Club, Nov. 12, 1919. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 40: 44-45 [44] [holotype identified with nominotypical B. z. zonarius (Shaw, 1805) by Cain, A.J. 1955. A revision of Trichoglossus haematodus and of the Australian platycercine parrots. Ibis 97: 432–479—it is from the range of nominotypical zonarius just east of its intergrade zone with B. z. semitorquatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1830) recorded by Serventy, D.L. & Whittell, H.M. 1976. Birds of Western Australia. Perth : University Western Australia Press x (un-numbered) 481 pp.].
    Type data:
     Holotype AMNH 623132 (G.M. Mathews' coll. no. unspecified), Woolundra (east of Kellerberrin), WA
    Comment: for identification of holotype, see Greenway, J.C. 1978. Type specimens of birds in the American Museum of Natural History. Pt 2. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 161: 1–306.




Northern Territory, South Australia, Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Coastal and inland west and central Australia, west to the west coast between Jurien Bay and De Grey River—north to northern fringes of Pilbara (De Grey River), the southern fringes of the Great Sandy Desert, WA, and patchily through the Gibson and Tanami Deserts to Nicholson, the Gardiner Range and the south-western fringes of the Barkly Tableland (Newcastle Waters), NT—east to Elkedra River, Tarlton Range, Field River and western fringes of Simpson Desert, NT to western feeders of Lakes Eyre and Torrens and head of Spencer Gulf, SA—south to the south coast from and including Eyre Peninsula, SA to about Doubtful Bay, WA. Intergrades with B. z. semitorquatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1830) west of a front between Jurien Bay, Moora, Cunerdin-Kelleberin, Lake Grace and Doubtful Bay, SW WA, and with B. z. barnardi (Vigors & Horsfield, 1827) through N Mt Lofty-Flinders Ranges, SA, north to the Frome River, south to Brinkworth and Eudunda, and east on east watersheds at least to Koonamore, Paratoo, and Sutherlands, SA, and psossibly far west NSW. Introduced in Dandenong Ranges, VIC (apparently established) and in region of Sydney (status uncertain).

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.
IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)
drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones (map not available)


NT, SA, WA: Avon Wheatbelt (AW), Burt Plain (BRT), Carnarvon (CAR), Channel Country (CHC), Coolgardie (COO), Central Ranges (CR), Dampierland (DL), Davenport Murchison Ranges (DMR), Esperance Plains (ESP), Eyre Yorke Block (EYB), Finke (FIN), Flinders Lofty Block (FLB), Gascoyne (GAS), Gawler (GAW), Gibson Desert (GD), Geraldton Sandplains (GS), Great Sandy Desert (GSD), Great Victoria Desert (GVD), Hampton (HAM), Jarrah Forest (JF), Kanmantoo (KAN), Little Sandy Desert (LSD), MacDonnell Ranges (MAC), Mallee (MAL), Mitchell Grass Downs (MGD), Murchison (MUR), Nullarbor (NUL), Pilbara (PIL), Simpson Strzelecki Dunefields (SSD), Stony Plains (STP), Sturt Plateau (STU), Swan Coastal Plain (SWA), Tanami (TAN), Warren (WAR), Yalgoo (YAL)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

  • Australia
    • Northern Territory: Lake Eyre basin, W plateau
    • South Australia: Lake Eyre basin, S Gulfs, W plateau
    • Western Australia: NW coastal, SW coastal, W plateau

Ecological Descriptors

Arboreal, diurnal, florivore, folivore, frugivorous, granivore, gregarious, low open woodland, low woodland, nomadic, resident, terrestrial, volant, woodland.

Extra Ecological Information

Seasonal breeder/opportunistic breeder, restricted to eucalypt-lined watercourses in arid parts of range, feeds mainly on seeds on ground and in trees (mostly eucalypts), flies in shallow undulations bringing wings in to side of body, nests on bed of wood dust/debris in tree hollows, incubation by female, both sexes rear pale grey-downed, yellowish-billed chicks, wanders locally or regionally to seasonal food sources.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
10-Nov-2020 01-Mar-2012 MODIFIED
10-Nov-2020 28-Feb-2012 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)