Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Species Allograpta alamacula Carver, 2003


Generic Combinations

  • Allograpta alamacula Carver, 2003.




New South Wales, Queensland

IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


NSW, Qld: Sydney Basin (SB), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ)


Adult. Head. Face [Facial structure as in type species, obliqua SAY], not produced, with low tubercle, yellow except narrow brownish-black medial vitta which does not reach antennal bases, white pilose; tubercle distinct, convex; gena yellow; lunule black medially, yellow laterally; frontal triangle yellow laterally, brown medially, black pilose; frons black except narrowly yellow laterally, shiny on ventral 1/3, dull black pollinose dorsomedially; ventral triangle black, black pilose; vertex black, black pilose; occiput black, grayish-white pollinose, white pilose ventrally, yellow pollinose and brownishyellow pilose on dorsal 1/3; antenna orange except basoflagellomere brownish on dorsoapical 2/3, black pilose; arista brown; male holoptic.
Thorax: Postpronotum yellow; scutum shiny, black except yellow laterally, continuously yellow from postpronotum to scutellum, yellow pilose; postalar callus yellow, yellow pilose; scutellum convex apically, black except yellow base and margins, black pilose; subscutellar fringe absent; pleuron black except yellow dorsad to procoxa, posterior 1/3 anepisternum, dorsal half katepisternum, katepimeron, katatergum; pleuron yellow pilose; metasternum black, bare; plumula yellow, calypter yellow; halter orange. Wing: Hyaline except brown anteroapical macula and dark stigma; microtrichose except bare cells C, R, BM, CuP, basal half of cell R1, basal 1/3 of cell R2+3, base of cell DM and CuA1, base of anal lobe; alula broad, about as broad as cell BM, microtrichose. Legs: Coxae and trochanters brownish black, white pilose; pro and mesofemora yellow to brownish yellow, white pilose except black pilose dorsoapically; metafemur brown to black except yellow base, black pilose except pale pilose basally; pro and mesotibiae yellow, white pilose; metatibia black, black pilose; tarsi black, black pilose.
Abdomen: 1st tergum yellow basally and laterally, black posteromedially, white pilose; 2nd tergum black except basolateral corners yellow and with yellow oblique fasciate macula on medial 1/3, with maculae broadly separated medially, apical 1/5 shiny, basal 1/4 subshiny, elsewhere dull black pollinose, black pilose except yellowish-white pilose laterally; 3rd and 4th terga black except arcuate yellow fasciae, black pilose except pale pilose laterally; 5th tergum black except basomedial yellow vittate maculae, black pilose; 1st sternum black, shiny, white pilose; 2nd-4th sterna black medially, yellow laterally, white pilose; male genitalia (fig. 2) black, black pilose.
Length: Body, 6.7–6.8 mm; wing, 5.1–5.5 mm.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
06-Sep-2017 SYRPHIDAE 24-Aug-2017 MODIFIED
20-Aug-2015 SYRPHIDAE 18-Aug-2015 MODIFIED Lyn Randall
03-Aug-2011 ADDED