Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Species Alatina mordens Gershwin, 2005

Compiler and date details

June 2012 - Lisa-ann Gershwin


This taxon is under review. This record is released now for public view, prior to final verification. For further information or comment email us.

  • Type data:
     Holotype QM G55282 (coll. 13 November 1998; forwarded by J. Seymour; capturedwithin minutes of severe Irukandji sting reported by Mulcahy, 1999), Moore Reef, GBR [16°52.160'S 146°12.353'E].
    Paratype(s) SAMA H1013, collected with holotype; SAMA H1053 (coll. 29 January 2000; forwarded by P. Colwell; captured within minutes of Irukandji stings.), Osprey Reef, Coral Sea [approx. 13°54.190'S 146°38.985'E]; QM G317058 (coll. 24 April 1998, forwarded by R.Hore), Agincourt Reef,GBR [approx. 16°01.907'S 145°51.203'E]; QM G317059, collected with QM G317058; 2003-10 (forwarded by R.Hore, captured following superficial sting of 12 year old boy), Agincourt Reef, GBR; QM G55288 (coll. 25 Aug 2003), Agincourt Reef,GBR.





IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


Central Eastern Transition (15), Kenn Transition (16), Kenn Province (17), Northeast Province (18), Northeast Transition (19), Cape Province (20), Northeast Shelf Province (40), Northeast Shelf Transition (41)

Ecological Descriptors

Carnivorous, marine, nectonic, pelagic.



Bell tall, tapered, apically truncate, with exumbrellar nematocyst freckles; with crescentic phacellae, comprising many tufts of long cirri which branch only near the root; with 3 straight, simple to triforked velarial canals in each octant, bearing a row of 1-5, typically 1-3, small, round nematocyst freckles on root area; with broadly rounded adaxial pedalia keels; with simple rounded pedalial canal.



Alatina mordens is a highly dangerous species. Its sting has been associated with severe cases of Irukandji syndrome requiring life support in previously well victims. Contact with this species should be avoided.

Sypmtoms of Irukandji syndrome involve severe lower back pain, nausea and vomiting, difficulty breathing, profuse sweating, and in some cases severe hypertension. Complications can involve brain haemorrage, pulmonary oedema, and death.

If stung, flush the area with vinegar as soon as possible to iinactivate undischarged stinging cells. Monitor the patient for at least 30 minutes; if symptoms develop, seek urgent medical attention.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
13-Aug-2013 MODIFIED