Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

CAVS: 8025

Subspecies Acanthiza (Acanthiza) pusilla magnirostris Campbell, 1903

  • Acanthiza magnirostris Campbell, A.J. 1903. Description of a new Acanthiza. The Emu 2(4): 202-203 [Date published Apr 1903: Mathews, G.M. 1919. The Birds of Australia. London : Witherby & Co. Vol. 7 pt 5 pp. 385–499 + xii pls 363–370 Appendixes A & B [publication dated as from preface, 12 June 1919 given in Appendix B] (Appendix B) Sherborn, C.D. & Woodward, B.B. 1901. Notes on the dates of publication of the natural history portions of some French voyages - Part 1. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 7 7: 388–392 [Mathews, G.M. 1925. The Birds of Australia. Supplements 4 & 5. Bibliography of the Birds of Australia Pts 1 & 2. London : H.F. & G. Witherby viii 149 pp.]] [202] [not a junior primary homonym of Acanthiza magnirostra Gould, 1838 (= Sericornis magnirostris (Gould, 1838), Acanthizidae): ICZN Art. 57].
    Type data:
     Holotype NMV HLW.2088 , Tas: King Island.
  • Acanthiza archibaldi Mathews, G.M. 1910. On some necessary alterations in the nomenclature of birds. Novitates Zoologicae 17: 492-503 [501] [unnecessary replacement name for Acanthiza magnirostris A.J. Campbell (1903); originally named Acanthira (sic) archboldi].
    Type data:
     Holotype NMV HLW2088 Adult , Tas: King Island.



CAVS code 8025 reassigned from A. p. archiboldi to A. p. magnirostris





Extra Distribution Information

King Island, TAS, possibly extinct

Australian Endemic.

IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


Tas: King (KIN)

Distribution References

Ecological Descriptors

Dry sclerophyll forest, low sclerophyll heath, mallee (Eucalyptus) woodland, subtropical rainforest, temperate eucalypt, temperate rainforest, wet sclerophyll forest.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
AVES 09-Nov-2020 ADDED