Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory

<I>Synamphisopus </I>sp.

Synamphisopus sp.


Regional Maps

Family AMPHISOPODIDAE Nicholls, 1943


Amphisopodids are inhabitants of permanent freshwater lakes, streams, springs and seeps. One species, Phreatomerus latipes, lives along the margins of hot, saline springs in South Australia, a notable departure from the typical habits of most other species in the suborder.

The members of the family are found in southern Western Australia, South Australia and Victoria (Grampians). The three genera from Nicholls' Amphisopodinae and one genus from the Phreatomerinae are included in the redefined Amphisopodidae, based on a well-supported clade (Wilson & Keable 2001). This family is no longer based on the presence of the plesiomorphic right lacinia mobilis, which can be shown to be present in various forms in most phreatoicideans.



Head short, slightly deeper than long, dorsally smooth; cervical groove absent; antennal notch absent. Eyes large, prominent, ocelli distinct as individual units. Coxae fused to body. Pleonites with large pleurae, much deeper than body in lateral view, bases of pleopods not visible. Pleotelson posterior margin reflexed dorsally, with distinct vertical lateral plates above insertion of uropods. Gut lacking typhlosole and hind gut caecae. Antennula terminal article either tubular or conical, penultimate article similar in length to more proximal articles. Both mandibles with lacinia mobilis. Pereopods with articular plate on distal posterior side of propodus. Pereopods 5-7 bases with prominent dorsal plate. Pleopodal endopods without plumose setae. Pleopod 2 appendix masculina acutely pointed and spine-like, with partially-enclosed ventral groove. Uropodal rami distally rounded with robust terminal seta.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
24-Dec-2020 PHREATOICIDEA Stebbing, 1893 06-Dec-2020 MODIFIED
05-Aug-2022 04-May-2011 MODIFIED
05-Aug-2022 29-Jun-2010 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)