Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Family ADERIDAE Csiki, 1909

Compiler and date details

September 2020 - Chris Reid, Australian Musem

October 2011 - A. Calder, D. Jennings, E. Slipinska, T. Weir (CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences), D. Telnov (Latvia)


The family Aderidae is medium sized with about 1000 species worldwide and an estimated 120 species in Australia (Lawrence & Slipinski 2013). In North America these are known as 'antlike leaf beetles' although none of the Australian species are particularly antlike. They are relatively small and delicate, similar in appearnce to some Ptinidae or Anthicidae, and like these two groups are commonly beaten off foliage and dead branches. The known Australian larvae occur in rotten wood or leaf litter, except one unsual species with large adults (to 7mm long) and larvae that inhabit termite nests (Lawrence, Kistner & Pasteels 1990).
The Australian fauna is poorly known. Most species are in the Holarctic genus Aderus, but are unlikely to be correctly placed there (Matthews 1987; Lawrence & Slipinski 2013). Six other genera have been recorded from Australia, some of which are supposedly endemic (Lawrence & Slipinski 2013). Most species were described by Lea, but there are no diagnostic keys (Lea 1917) and there have been no subsequent species-level revisions.

Acting on advice from three active specialists in this family the compilers responsible for this family (Calder et al. 2011) decided not to implement taxonomic changes introduced in a posthumously published paper by Uhman, G. (2007) Die Anthicidae Latreiille 1819 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionoidea) von Australian ohne Formicomini. 68. Beitrag zur Kennthis der Anthicidae. Coleoptera 11: 1-103.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
27-Nov-2020 TENEBRIONOIDEA Latreille, 1802 24-Sep-2020 MODIFIED
01-Jul-2020 TENEBRIONOIDEA Latreille, 1802 30-Nov-2018 MODIFIED
01-Jul-2020 18-Apr-2012 MODIFIED
29-Sep-2010 ADDED