Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Species Putoniessa rivularis (Walker, 1851)

Compiler and date details

10 February 2012 - Murray J. Fletcher



This species was based on a series of specimens which are currently unidentifiable to species since they are either female or lack the abdomen. Evans (1937) synonymised Bythoscopus dorsalis Walker and B. repletus Walker under this name and Evans (1966) synonymised Putoniessa dignissima Kirkaldy with it as well. Stevens (1994) regarded P. rivularis as a nomen dubium because of the lack of males in the type series and therefore was unable to support Evans's synonymies. He therefore reinstated B. dorsalis, as Putoniessa dorsalis (Walker), with B. repletus as a synonym and reinstated P. dignissima.





Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.

Ecological Descriptors

All stages: phloem feeder.



Ferrugineus, nigro varius; scutum nigrum; scutellum nigra bimaculatum; pectus piceo varium; abdominis dorsum nigrum; alae anticae albidae,fusco variae; alae posticae subcinereae, apice fuscae.
Pale ferruginous, minutely mottled with black; head extremely short, as broad as the chest, convex and almost semicircular in front, very concave along the hind border; its length above not more than one-twelfth of its breadth; crown punctured, transversely striated, rather longer on each side than in the middle; face roughly punctured, almost flat, slightly striated on each side; shield black, transversely striated; scutcheon with a black spot on each side of the fore border; breast ferruginous, partly pitchy; abdomen black above, pale ferruginous beneath; legs ferruginous; fore-wings dingy white, thickly interspersed with brown, which here and there forms streaks including whitish dots; hind-wings slightly gray, brown towards the tips. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 8 lines (Walker 1851).


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
20-Sep-2011 20-Sep-2011 MOVED
12-Feb-2010 (import)