Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Schmidt, G.D. 1972. Cyclophyllidean cestodes of Australian birds, with three new species. Journal of Parasitology 58: 1085-1094

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
PLATYHELMINTHES ANOPLOCEPHALIDAE Hemiparonia bancrofti (Johnston, 1912) Generic Combination Hemiparonia bancrofti (Johnston, 1912) 1092
PLATYHELMINTHES ANOPLOCEPHALIDAE Paronia trichoglossi (Linstow, 1888) Valid Name Paronia trichoglossi (Linstow, 1888) Introduction 1092
PLATYHELMINTHES DAVAINEIDAE Raillietina polychalix (Kotlán, 1921) Valid Name Raillietina polychalix (Kotlán, 1921) Introduction 1088
PLATYHELMINTHES DILEPIDIDAE Lapwingia adelaidae Schmidt, 1972 synonym Dictymetra adelaidae (Schmidt, 1972) Primary 1085
PLATYHELMINTHES DIOICOCESTIDAE Infula burhini Burt, 1939 Valid Name Infula burhini Burt, 1939 Introduction 1088
PLATYHELMINTHES HYMENOLEPIDIDAE Capiuterilepis australensis Schmidt, 1972 synonym Microsomacanthus australensis (Schmidt, 1972) Primary 1091
PLATYHELMINTHES HYMENOLEPIDIDAE Capiuterilepis meliphagicola Schmidt, 1972 synonym Microsomacanthus meliphagicola (Schmidt, 1972) Primary 1091
PLATYHELMINTHES PARUTERINIDAE Anonchotaenia arhyncha Fuhrmann, 1918 Valid Name Anonchotaenia arhyncha Fuhrmann, 1918 Introduction
PLATYHELMINTHES PARUTERINIDAE Anonchotaenia globata (Linstow, 1879) Valid Name Anonchotaenia globata (Linstow, 1879) Introduction 1087

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