Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Ogren, R.E. & Kawakatsu, M. 1988. Index to the species of the family Rhynchodemidae (Turbellaria, Tricladida, Terricola). Part I: Rhynchodeminae. Bulletin of the Fuji Women's University II 26: 39–91

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
PLATYHELMINTHES GEOPLANIDAE Caenoplana coerulea Moseley, 1877 Type Species subsequent designation Caenoplana Moseley, 1877
PLATYHELMINTHES GEOPLANIDAE Platydemus dubius (Spencer, 1892) Generic Combination Anisorhynchodemus dubius (Spencer, 1892) 62
PLATYHELMINTHES GEOPLANIDAE Platydemus fasciatus (Spencer, 1892) Generic Combination Platydemus fasciatus (Spencer, 1892) 62
PLATYHELMINTHES GEOPLANIDAE Platydemus fletcheri (Spencer, 1892) Generic Combination Anisorhynchodemus fletcheri (Spencer, 1892) 62
PLATYHELMINTHES GEOPLANIDAE Platydemus grandis (Spencer, 1892) Generic Combination Platydemus grandis (Spencer, 1892) 63
PLATYHELMINTHES GEOPLANIDAE Platydemus laterolineatus (Spencer, 1892) Generic Combination Anisorhynchodemus laterolineatus (Spencer, 1892) 63
PLATYHELMINTHES GEOPLANIDAE Platydemus mediolineatus (Spencer, 1892) Generic Combination Anisorhynchodemus mediolineatus (Spencer, 1892) 65
PLATYHELMINTHES GEOPLANIDAE Platydemus moseleyi (Fletcher & Hamilton, 1888) Generic Combination Anisorhynchodemus moseleyi (Fletcher & Hamilton, 1888) 65
PLATYHELMINTHES GEOPLANIDAE Platydemus niger (Fletcher & Hamilton, 1888) Generic Combination Anisorhynchodemus niger (Fletcher & Hamilton, 1888) 65
PLATYHELMINTHES GEOPLANIDAE Platydemus trilineatus (Fletcher & Hamilton, 1888) Generic Combination Anisorhynchodemus trilineatus (Fletcher & Hamilton, 1888) 66
PLATYHELMINTHES GEOPLANIDAE Platydemus victoriae (Dendy, 1890) Generic Combination Platydemus victoriae (Dendy, 1890) 66

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