Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Shenefelt, R.D. 1970. Braconidae 3, Agathidinae. Part 6. pp. 307-428 in Ferrière, C. & van der Vecht, J. (eds). Hymenopterorum Catalogus. Gravenhage : Dr. W. Junk.

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Agathis festinata (Turner, 1918) Generic Combination Therophilus festinatus (Turner, 1918) 333
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Agathis leucogaster (Holmgren, 1868) Generic Combination Therophilus leucogaster (Holmgren, 1868) 340
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Agathis maligna (Turner, 1918) Generic Combination Therophilus malignus (Turner, 1918) 342
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Agathis meridionalis (Turner, 1918) Generic Combination Therophilus meridionalis (Turner, 1918) 343
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Agathis minimus (Turner, 1918) Generic Combination Therophilus minimus (Turner, 1918) 344
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Agathis minor (Szépligeti, 1905) Generic Combination Therophilus minor (Szépligeti, 1905) 344
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Agathis ruficeps (Szépligeti, 1905) Generic Combination Therophilus ruficeps (Szépligeti, 1905) 352
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Agathis rugosa (Turner, 1918) Generic Combination Therophilus rugosus (Turner, 1918) 353
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Agathis tenuissima (Turner, 1918) Generic Combination Therophilus ruficeps (Szépligeti, 1905) 360
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Agathis tricoloris Shenefelt, 1970 replacement name Therophilus tricolor (Szépligeti, 1905) Primary 362
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Agathis unimaculata (Turner, 1918) Generic Combination Therophilus unimaculatus (Turner, 1918) 364
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Therophilus minor (Szépligeti, 1905) Valid Name Therophilus minor (Szépligeti, 1905) Primary 344
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Triaspis tripartitus (Szépligeti, 1905) Generic Combination Triaspis tripartita (Szépligeti, 1905) 301

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