Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Mulder, E. & Smales, L. 2015. The endoparasites of Liasis fuscus (Serpentes : Boidae) from the Adelaide River floodplain, Northern Territory, Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology 63: 81-90

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
PLATYHELMINTHES SOLENOPHORIDAE Liasis fuscus Peters, 1873 [BOIDAE] Water Python Associated Fauna Bothridium ornatum Maplestone & Southwell, 1923
PLATYHELMINTHES SOLENOPHORIDAE Liasis fuscus Peters, 1873 [BOIDAE] Water Python Associated Fauna Bothridium pithonis Blainville in Bremser, 1824
PLATYHELMINTHES SOLENOPHORIDAE Liasis fuscus Peters, 1873 [BOIDAE] Water Python Associated Fauna Bothridium ornatum Maplestone & Southwell, 1923
PLATYHELMINTHES SOLENOPHORIDAE Liasis fuscus Peters, 1873 [BOIDAE] Water Python Associated Fauna Bothridium pithonis Blainville in Bremser, 1824
APICOMPLEXA HEPATOZOIDAE Liasis fuscus Peters, 1873 [BOIDAE] Water Python (syn. Bothrochilus fuscus; blood (+PCR)) Associated Fauna Hepatozoon Miller, 1908
NEMATODA DRACUNCULIDAE Liasis fuscus Peters, 1873 [BOIDAE] Water Python Associated Fauna Dracunculus mulbus Jones & Mulder, 2007
NEMATODA ASCARIDIDAE Liasis fuscus Peters, 1873 [BOIDAE] Water Python Associated Fauna Ophidascaris robertsi (Sprent & Mines, 1960)
NEMATODA PHYSALOPTERIDAE Liasis fuscus Peters, 1873 [BOIDAE] Water Python Associated Fauna Abbreviata bancrofti (Irwin-Smith, 1922)
ARTHROPODA Raillietiellidae Liasis fuscus Peters, 1873 [BOIDAE] Water Python (in lung) Associated Fauna Raillietiella Sambon, 1910
ARTHROPODA Raillietiellidae Liasis fuscus Peters, 1873 [BOIDAE] Water Python (in lung) Associated Fauna Raillietiella Sambon, 1910

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