Showing publications 1 to 5 on page 1 of 1.
Sub-publications- Hirohito 1967. A review of the hydroids of the family Clathrozonidae with description of a new genus and species from Japan. Publications of the Biological Laboratory, Imperial Household, Tokyo 2: i-iv, 1-14
- Hirohito 1969. Some hydroids from the Amakusa Islands. Publications of the Biological Laboratory, Imperial Household, Tokyo i-viii, 1-32
- Hirohito 1971. Additional notes on Clathrozoon wilsoni Spencer. Publications of the Biological Laboratory, Imperial Household, Tokyo 1-5, frontispiece, pls 1-4
- Hirohito 1974. Some hydrozoans of the Bonin Islands. Publications of the Biological Laboratory, Imperial Household, Tokyo i-iii, 1-55, frontispiece, figs 1-20, map
- Hirohito 1983. Hydroids from Izu ôshima and Niijima. Publications of the Biological Laboratory, Imperial Household, Tokyo 6: 1-83, figs 1-41, maps
Showing publications 1 to 5 on page 1 of 1.