Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


McKay, R.J. 1974. The Wolf Spiders of Australia (Araneae: Lycosidae): 2. The arenaris group. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 17: 1-19

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa arenaris Hogg, 1905 synonym Venatrix arenaris (Hogg, 1905) Type Data
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa arenaris Hogg, 1905 Generic Combination Venatrix arenaris (Hogg, 1905) 1-6 figs 1a-m
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa furcillata L. Koch, 1867 Generic Combination Venatrix furcillata (L. Koch, 1867) 15-18, figs 3c, d, k-m
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa lapidosa McKay, 1974 synonym Venatrix lapidosa (McKay, 1974) Primary 13-15 figs 3a, b, e-j
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa pullastra Simon, 1909 Generic Combination Venatrix pullastra (Simon, 1909) 6-12 figs 2a-p
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Venatrix arenaris (Hogg, 1905) Valid Name Venatrix arenaris (Hogg, 1905) Introduction 1-6 figs 1a-m
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Venatrix arenaris (Hogg, 1905) Valid Name Venatrix arenaris (Hogg, 1905) Synonymy references 1
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Venatrix furcillata (L. Koch, 1867) Valid Name Venatrix furcillata (L. Koch, 1867) Introduction 15-18, figs 3c, d, k-m
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Venatrix pullastra (Simon, 1909) Valid Name Venatrix pullastra (Simon, 1909) Introduction 6-12
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Venatrix pullastra (Simon, 1909) Valid Name Venatrix pullastra (Simon, 1909) Synonymy references 6

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