Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Fuentes-Reinés, J.M. & Suárez-Morales, E. 2023. A new species of Echinolaophonte and record of E. armiger (Gurney, 1927) (Crustacea, Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Laophontidae) from the Caribbean with a key to species. ZooKeys 722: 19-36

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA LAOPHONTIDAE Echinolaophonte villabonae Fuentes-Reinés & Suárez-Morales, 2023 synonym Echinolaophonte villabonae Fuentes-Reinés & Suárez-Morales, 2023 Primary 21

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