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Sub-publications- Adis, J. & Scheller, U. 1984. On the natural history and ecology of Hanseniella arborea (Myriapoda, Symphyla, Scutigerellidae), a migrating symphylan from an Amazonian black-water inundation forest. Pedobiologia 27: 35-41
- Adolphson, H. & Kinnear, A. 2008. Acari (mite) assemblages under plantations of bluegum, Eucalyptus globulus, in southwestern Australia. Pedobiologia 51: 427–437
- Amelsvoort, P.A.M. van & Usher, M.B. 1989. Egg production related to food quality in Folsomia candida (Collembola: Isotomidae): effects on life history strategies. Pedobiologia 33: 61-66
- Baker, G.H. 1999. Spatial and temporal patterns in the abundance and biomass of earthworm populations in pastures in southern Australia. Pedobiologia 43: 487-496
- Baker, G.H., Chan, K.Y. & Munro, K. 2003. Influences of native (Megascolecidae) and exotic (Lumbricidae) earthworms on ryegrass production in acidic pasture soils from south-eastern Australia. Pedobiologia 47: 830-834
- Beyer, S., Kinnear, A., Hutley, L.B., McGuiness, K. & Gibb, K. 2011. Assessing the relationship between fire and grazing on soil characteristics and mite communities in a semi-arid savanna of northern Australia. Pedobiologia 54: 195–200
- Blancquaert, J.P. & Mertens, J. 1977. Mating behaviour of Sphaeridia pumilis (Collembola). Pedobiologia 17: 343-349
- Bornemissza, G.F. 1969. A new type of brood care observed in the dung beetle Oniticellus cinctus (Scarabaeidae). Pedobiologia 9: 223-225
- Bornemissza, G.F. 1971. A new variant of the paracopric nesting type in the Australian dung beetle, Onthophagus compositus. Pedobiologia 11: 1-10
- Bornemissza, G.F. 1971. Mycetophagous breeding in the Australian dung beetle, Onthophagus dunningi. Pedobiologia 11: 133-142
- Bornemissza, G.F. & Williams, C.H. 1970. An effect of dung beetle activity on plant yield. Pedobiologia 10: 1-7
- Bouché, M.B. 1969. La biogéography des lumbricidés de France, son intérêt et ses ambiguitiés. Cas d'Allolobophora cupulifera Tétry, A. icterica (Sav.), de Lumbricus friend Cognetti et de Lumbricus herculeus (Sav.). Pedobiologia 9: 87-92
- Cairns, S.C. 1980. Energy and chemical element content of the life stages of Rhopaea verreauxi (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Pedobiologia 20: 131-140
- Couteaux, M.M. 1972. Distribution des Thécamoebiens de la litière et de l'humus de deux sols forestiers d'humus brut. Pedobiologia 12(4): 237-243
- Davidson, S.J. 1979. Mesofaunal responses to cattle dung with particular reference to Collembola. Pedobiologia Ecology 19: 402-407
- Deharveng, L. 2004. Recent advances in Collembola systematics. Pedobiologia 48(5-6): 413-433
- Didden, W.A.M. 1993. Ecology of terrestrial Enchytraeidae. Pedobiologia 37: 2-29
- Driessen, M.M. & Greenslade, P. 2004. Effect of season, location and fire on Collembola communities in buttongrass moorlands, Tasmania. Pedobiologia 48: 631-642
- Greenslade, P. 1974. Ecological and zoogeographical notes on Collembola of Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Pedobiologia 14: 256-265
- Greenslade, P. 1997. Are Collembola useful as indicators of the conservation value of native grasslands? Pedobiologia 41: 215-220
- Greenslade, P. 2002. Assessing the risk of exotic Collembola invading subantarctic islands: prioritising quarantine management. Pedobiologia 46: 338-344
- Greenslade, P., Simpson, J.A. & Grgurinovic, C.A. 2002. Collembola associated with fungal fruit-bodies in Australia. Pedobiologia 46: 345-352
- Greenslade, P. & Vaughan, G. 2003. A comparison of Collembola species for toxicity testing of Australian soils. Pedobiologia 47: 171-179
- Greenslade, P.J.M. & Greenslade, P. 1973. Epigaeic Collembola and their activity in a semi-arid locality in southern Australia during summer. Pedobiologia 13: 227-235
- Hagvar, S. 1982. Collembola in Norwegian coniferous forest soils. I. Relations to plant communities and soil fertility. Pedobiologia 24: 255-296