Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Kane, J.R. 1965. The genus Lagenophrys Stein, 1852 (Ciliata, Peritricha) on Australian Parastacidae. Journal of Protozoology 12: 109-122

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax albidus Clark, 1936 [PARASTACIDAE] White Yabby (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys occulosa Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax albidus Clark, 1936 [PARASTACIDAE] White Yabby (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys willisi Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax albidus Clark, 1936 [PARASTACIDAE] White Yabby (gills, cuticle) Associated Fauna Setonophrys communis (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax albidus Clark, 1936 [PARASTACIDAE] White Yabby (cuticle) Associated Fauna Setonophrys seticola (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936) [PARASTACIDAE] Inland Yabbie (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys occulosa Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936) [PARASTACIDAE] Inland Yabbie (gills, cuticle) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys spinosa Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936) [PARASTACIDAE] Inland Yabbie (gills, pleopods) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys willisi Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936) [PARASTACIDAE] Inland Yabbie (gills, cuticle) Associated Fauna Setonophrys communis (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936) [PARASTACIDAE] Inland Yabbie (gills, pleopods) Associated Fauna Setonophrys lingulata (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936) [PARASTACIDAE] Inland Yabbie (cuticle) Associated Fauna Setonophrys seticola (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) [PARASTACIDAE] Redclaw (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys darwini Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) [PARASTACIDAE] Redclaw (gills) Associated Fauna Setonophrys communis (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax quinquecarinatus (Gray, 1845) [PARASTACIDAE] Gilgy (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys deserti Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax rotundus Clark, 1941 [PARASTACIDAE] Rotund Crayfish (pleopods) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys bispinosa Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax rotundus Clark, 1941 [PARASTACIDAE] Rotund Crayfish (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys occulosa Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax rotundus Clark, 1941 [PARASTACIDAE] Rotund Crayfish (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys willisi Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax rotundus Clark, 1941 [PARASTACIDAE] Rotund Crayfish (gills) Associated Fauna Setonophrys communis (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax rotundus Clark, 1941 [PARASTACIDAE] Rotund Crayfish (gills) Associated Fauna Setonophrys lingulata (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax rotundus Clark, 1941 [PARASTACIDAE] Rotund Crayfish (cuticle) Associated Fauna Setonophrys seticola (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax tenuimanus (Smith, 1912) [PARASTACIDAE] Marron (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys deserti Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Engaeus fultoni Smith & Schuster, 1913 [PARASTACIDAE] Crayfish (cuticle) Associated Fauna Setonophrys seticola (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Engaeus hemicirratulus Smith & Schuster, 1913 [PARASTACIDAE] Crayfish (syn. Austroastacus hemicirratulus; gill filaments) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys engaei Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Engaeus sp. [PARASTACIDAE] (exoskeleton) Associated Fauna Setonophrys communis (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Engaeus sp. [PARASTACIDAE] (cuticle) Associated Fauna Setonophrys seticola (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Engaeus victoriensis Smith & Schuster, 1913 [PARASTACIDAE] Crayfish (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys engaei Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Euastacus armatus (Von Martens, 1966) [PARASTACIDAE] Murray Crayfish (syn. E. serratus; gills) Associated Fauna Setonophrys communis (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Euastacus nobilis (Dana, 1852) [PARASTACIDAE] Noble Crayfish (exoskeleton) Associated Fauna Setonophrys communis (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Euastacus nobilis (Dana, 1852) [PARASTACIDAE] Noble Crayfish (cuticle) Associated Fauna Setonophrys seticola (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Euastacus sp. [PARASTACIDAE] Freshwater Crayfish (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys dungogi Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Geocharax falcata Clarke, 1941 [PARASTACIDAE] Crayfish (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys rugosa Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Lagenophrys bispinosa Kane, 1965 synonym Lagenophrys bispinosa Kane, 1965 Primary
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Lagenophrys communis Kane, 1965 synonym Setonophrys communis (Kane, 1965) Primary
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Lagenophrys darwini Kane, 1965 synonym Lagenophrys darwini Kane, 1965 Primary
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Lagenophrys deserti Kane, 1965 synonym Lagenophrys deserti Kane, 1965 Primary
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Lagenophrys dungogi Kane, 1965 synonym Lagenophrys dungogi Kane, 1965 Primary
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Lagenophrys engaei Kane, 1965 synonym Lagenophrys engaei Kane, 1965 Primary
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Lagenophrys latispinosa Kane, 1965 synonym Setonophrys communis (Kane, 1965) Primary
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Lagenophrys lawrii Kane, 1965 synonym Setonophrys communis (Kane, 1965) Primary
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Lagenophrys lingulata Kane, 1965 synonym Setonophrys lingulata (Kane, 1965) Primary
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Lagenophrys occulosa Kane, 1965 synonym Lagenophrys occulosa Kane, 1965 Primary
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Lagenophrys rugosa Kane, 1965 synonym Lagenophrys rugosa Kane, 1965 Primary
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Lagenophrys seticola Kane, 1965 synonym Setonophrys seticola (Kane, 1965) Primary
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Lagenophrys spinosa Kane, 1965 synonym Lagenophrys spinosa Kane, 1965 Primary
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Lagenophrys willisi Kane, 1965 synonym Lagenophrys willisi Kane, 1965 Primary
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Synamphisopus ambiguus (Sheard, 1936) [PHREATOICIDAE] Isopod (exoskeleton) Associated Fauna Setonophrys communis (Kane, 1965)

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