Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Kane, J.R. 1965. The genus Lagenophrys Stein, 1852 (Ciliata, Peritricha) on Australian Parastacidae. Journal of Protozoology 12: 109-122

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax albidus Clark, 1936 [PARASTACIDAE] White Yabby (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys occulosa Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax albidus Clark, 1936 [PARASTACIDAE] White Yabby (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys willisi Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax albidus Clark, 1936 [PARASTACIDAE] White Yabby (gills, cuticle) Associated Fauna Setonophrys communis (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax albidus Clark, 1936 [PARASTACIDAE] White Yabby (cuticle) Associated Fauna Setonophrys seticola (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax albidus Clark, 1936 [PARASTACIDAE] White Yabby (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys occulosa Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax albidus Clark, 1936 [PARASTACIDAE] White Yabby (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys willisi Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax albidus Clark, 1936 [PARASTACIDAE] White Yabby (gills, cuticle) Associated Fauna Setonophrys communis (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax albidus Clark, 1936 [PARASTACIDAE] White Yabby (cuticle) Associated Fauna Setonophrys seticola (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936) [PARASTACIDAE] Inland Yabbie (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys occulosa Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936) [PARASTACIDAE] Inland Yabbie (gills, cuticle) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys spinosa Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936) [PARASTACIDAE] Inland Yabbie (gills, pleopods) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys willisi Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936) [PARASTACIDAE] Inland Yabbie (gills, cuticle) Associated Fauna Setonophrys communis (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936) [PARASTACIDAE] Inland Yabbie (gills, pleopods) Associated Fauna Setonophrys lingulata (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936) [PARASTACIDAE] Inland Yabbie (cuticle) Associated Fauna Setonophrys seticola (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936) [PARASTACIDAE] Inland Yabbie (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys occulosa Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936) [PARASTACIDAE] Inland Yabbie (gills, cuticle) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys spinosa Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936) [PARASTACIDAE] Inland Yabbie (gills, pleopods) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys willisi Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936) [PARASTACIDAE] Inland Yabbie (gills, cuticle) Associated Fauna Setonophrys communis (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936) [PARASTACIDAE] Inland Yabbie (gills, pleopods) Associated Fauna Setonophrys lingulata (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936) [PARASTACIDAE] Inland Yabbie (cuticle) Associated Fauna Setonophrys seticola (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) [PARASTACIDAE] Redclaw (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys darwini Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) [PARASTACIDAE] Redclaw (gills) Associated Fauna Setonophrys communis (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) [PARASTACIDAE] Redclaw (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys darwini Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) [PARASTACIDAE] Redclaw (gills) Associated Fauna Setonophrys communis (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax quinquecarinatus (Gray, 1845) [PARASTACIDAE] Gilgy (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys deserti Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax quinquecarinatus (Gray, 1845) [PARASTACIDAE] Gilgy (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys deserti Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax rotundus Clark, 1941 [PARASTACIDAE] Rotund Crayfish (pleopods) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys bispinosa Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax rotundus Clark, 1941 [PARASTACIDAE] Rotund Crayfish (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys occulosa Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax rotundus Clark, 1941 [PARASTACIDAE] Rotund Crayfish (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys willisi Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax rotundus Clark, 1941 [PARASTACIDAE] Rotund Crayfish (gills) Associated Fauna Setonophrys communis (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax rotundus Clark, 1941 [PARASTACIDAE] Rotund Crayfish (gills) Associated Fauna Setonophrys lingulata (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax rotundus Clark, 1941 [PARASTACIDAE] Rotund Crayfish (cuticle) Associated Fauna Setonophrys seticola (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax rotundus Clark, 1941 [PARASTACIDAE] Rotund Crayfish (pleopods) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys bispinosa Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax rotundus Clark, 1941 [PARASTACIDAE] Rotund Crayfish (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys occulosa Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax rotundus Clark, 1941 [PARASTACIDAE] Rotund Crayfish (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys willisi Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax rotundus Clark, 1941 [PARASTACIDAE] Rotund Crayfish (gills) Associated Fauna Setonophrys communis (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax rotundus Clark, 1941 [PARASTACIDAE] Rotund Crayfish (gills) Associated Fauna Setonophrys lingulata (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax rotundus Clark, 1941 [PARASTACIDAE] Rotund Crayfish (cuticle) Associated Fauna Setonophrys seticola (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax tenuimanus (Smith, 1912) [PARASTACIDAE] Marron (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys deserti Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Cherax tenuimanus (Smith, 1912) [PARASTACIDAE] Marron (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys deserti Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Engaeus fultoni Smith & Schuster, 1913 [PARASTACIDAE] Crayfish (cuticle) Associated Fauna Setonophrys seticola (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Engaeus fultoni Smith & Schuster, 1913 [PARASTACIDAE] Crayfish (cuticle) Associated Fauna Setonophrys seticola (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Engaeus hemicirratulus Smith & Schuster, 1913 [PARASTACIDAE] Crayfish (syn. Austroastacus hemicirratulus; gill filaments) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys engaei Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Engaeus hemicirratulus Smith & Schuster, 1913 [PARASTACIDAE] Crayfish (syn. Austroastacus hemicirratulus; gill filaments) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys engaei Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Engaeus sp. [PARASTACIDAE] (exoskeleton) Associated Fauna Setonophrys communis (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Engaeus sp. [PARASTACIDAE] (cuticle) Associated Fauna Setonophrys seticola (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Engaeus sp. [PARASTACIDAE] (exoskeleton) Associated Fauna Setonophrys communis (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Engaeus sp. [PARASTACIDAE] (cuticle) Associated Fauna Setonophrys seticola (Kane, 1965)
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Engaeus victoriensis Smith & Schuster, 1913 [PARASTACIDAE] Crayfish (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys engaei Kane, 1965
CILIOPHORA LAGENOPHRYIDAE Engaeus victoriensis Smith & Schuster, 1913 [PARASTACIDAE] Crayfish (gills) Associated Fauna Lagenophrys engaei Kane, 1965

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