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Phylum | Family | Name | Name Type | Valid Name | Usage | Page |
MOLLUSCA | Unassigned | Brookula angeli (Tenison-Woods, 1876) | Generic Combination | Brookula angeli (Tenison-Woods, 1877) | 233 | |
MOLLUSCA | Unassigned | Brookula crebresculpta (Tate, 1899) | Valid Name | Brookula crebresculpta (Tate, 1899) | Introduction | 233-234, figs 154 & 157 |
MOLLUSCA | Unassigned | Brookula crebresculpta (Tate, 1899) | Generic Combination | Brookula crebresculpta (Tate, 1899) | 233-234 | |
MOLLUSCA | Unassigned | Brookula johnstoni (Beddome, 1883) | Generic Combination | Liotella johnstoni (Beddome, 1883) | 234, fig. 156 | |
MOLLUSCA | Unassigned | Brookula nepeanensis (Gatliff, 1906) | Valid Name | Brookula nepeanensis (Gatliff, 1906) | Introduction | 234, fig. 155 |
MOLLUSCA | Unassigned | Brookula nepeanensis (Gatliff, 1906) | Generic Combination | Brookula nepeanensis (Gatliff, 1906) | 234 | |
MOLLUSCA | Unassigned | Eudaronia jaffaensis (Verco, 1909) | Generic Combination | Eudaronia jaffaensis (Verco, 1909) | 226-227, fig. 145 | |
MOLLUSCA | Unassigned | Liotella annulata (Tenison-Woods, 1874) | Valid Name | Liotella annulata (Tenison-Woods, 1874) | Introduction | 244, fig. 167 |
MOLLUSCA | Unassigned | Liotella annulata (Tenison-Woods, 1874) | Generic Combination | Liotella annulata (Tenison-Woods, 1874) | 205 | |
MOLLUSCA | Unassigned | Liotella capitata (Hedley, 1907) | Generic Combination | Liotella capitata (Hedley, 1907) | 205 | |
MOLLUSCA | Unassigned | Liotella compacta (Petterd, 1884) | Valid Name | Liotella compacta (Petterd, 1884) | Introduction | 244, fig. 168 |
MOLLUSCA | Unassigned | Liotella compacta (Petterd, 1884) | Generic Combination | Liotella compacta (Petterd, 1884) | 205 | |
MOLLUSCA | Unassigned | Liotella petalifera (Hedley & May, 1908) | Generic Combination | Liotella petalifera (Hedley & May, 1908) | 243, fig. 166 | |
MOLLUSCA | Unassigned | Liotiaxis (Liocarina) radiata (Hedley, 1907) | Generic Combination | Lissotesta radiata (Hedley, 1907) | 202 | |
MOLLUSCA | Unassigned | Lissotesta arenosa Laseron, 1954 | Valid Name | Lissotesta arenosa Laseron, 1954 | Introduction | 204 |
MOLLUSCA | Unassigned | Lissotesta micra (Tenison-Woods, 1877) | Valid Name | Lissotesta micra (Tenison-Woods, 1877) | Introduction | 224-5, fig. 143 |
MOLLUSCA | Unassigned | Lissotesta micra (Tenison-Woods, 1877) | Generic Combination | Lissotesta micra (Tenison-Woods, 1877) | 204 | |
MOLLUSCA | Unassigned | Putilla porcellana (Tate & May, 1900) | Valid Name | Putilla porcellana (Tate & May, 1900) | Introduction | 204 |
MOLLUSCA | Unassigned | Zalipais bruniense (Beddome, 1883) | Generic Combination | Zalipais bruniense Beddome, 1883 | 205 | |
MOLLUSCA | Unassigned | Zalipais inscripta (Tate, 1899) [misidentification - is Zalipais laseroni Kershaw, 1955] | Miscellaneous Literature Name | Zalipais laseroni Kershaw, 1955 | 236, fig. 158 | |
MOLLUSCA | VERMETIDAE | Thylacodes novaehollandiae (Chenu, 1843) | Valid Name | Thylacodes novaehollandiae (Chenu, 1843) | Introduction | 359 |
MOLLUSCA | VERMETIDAE | Thylacodes sipho (Lamarck, 1818) | Valid Name | Thylacodes sipho (Lamarck, 1818) | Introduction | 359 |
MOLLUSCA | VOLUTOMITRIDAE | Austromitra stadialis (Hedley, 1911) [new combination] | Generic Combination | Microvoluta stadialis (Hedley, 1911) | 386 | |
MOLLUSCA | VOLUTOMITRIDAE | Microvoluta stadialis (Hedley, 1911) | Valid Name | Microvoluta stadialis (Hedley, 1911) | Introduction | 386 |
MOLLUSCA | CASSIDAE | CASSIDAE Latreille, 1825 | Valid Name | CASSIDAE Latreille, 1825 | Introduction | 369-370 |
MOLLUSCA | LEPETIDAE | Propilidium tasmanicum (Pilsbry, 1895) | Valid Name | Propilidium tasmanicum (Pilsbry, 1895) | Introduction | 281-282 |
MOLLUSCA | NEWTONIELLIDAE | Cerithiella pileata (Cotton, 1951) | Valid Name | Cerithiella pileata (Cotton, 1951) | Introduction | 362 |
MOLLUSCA | NEWTONIELLIDAE | Eutriphora dexia (Verco, 1909) | Generic Combination | Trituba dexia (Verco, 1909) | 363 | |
MOLLUSCA | NEWTONIELLIDAE | Trituba dexia (Verco, 1909) | Valid Name | Trituba dexia (Verco, 1909) | Introduction | 363 |
MOLLUSCA | PHENACOLEPADIDAE | Magadis mammaria (Lamarck, 1804) | Valid Name | Magadis mammaria (Lamarck, 1804) | Introduction | 274 |
MOLLUSCA | PHENACOLEPADIDAE | Plesiothyreus alboradiata (Verco, 1906) | Valid Name | Plesiothyreus alboradiata (Verco, 1906) | Introduction | 277 |
MOLLUSCA | PHENACOLEPADIDAE | Plesiothyreus calva (Verco, 1906) | Valid Name | Plesiothyreus calva (Verco, 1906) | Introduction | 277 |
MOLLUSCA | PHENACOLEPADIDAE | Plesiothyreus cinnamomeus (Gould, 1846) | Valid Name | Plesiothyreus cinnamomeus (Gould, 1846) | Introduction | 277 |
MOLLUSCA | PHENACOLEPADIDAE | Zacalantica laevicostalis (Thiele, 1909) | Valid Name | Zacalantica laevicostalis (Thiele, 1909) | Introduction | 277 |
MOLLUSCA | PYRAMIDELLIDAE | Hinemoa tasmanica (Tenison-Woods, 1877) | Valid Name | Hinemoa tasmanica (Tenison-Woods, 1877) | Introduction | 402 |
MOLLUSCA | PYRAMIDELLIDAE | Megastomia angasi (Tryon, 1886) | Valid Name | Megastomia angasi (Tryon, 1886) | Introduction | 401 |
MOLLUSCA | RAPHITOMIDAE | Asperdaphne (Asperdaphne) tasmanica (Tenison-Woods, 1877) | Valid Name | Asperdaphne (Asperdaphne) tasmanica (Tenison-Woods, 1877) | Introduction | 397 |
MOLLUSCA | RAPHITOMIDAE | Asperdaphne (Asperdaphne) vestalis (Hedley, 1903) | Valid Name | Asperdaphne (Asperdaphne) vestalis (Hedley, 1903) | Introduction | 397 |
MOLLUSCA | RAPHITOMIDAE | Nepotilla fenestrata (Verco, 1909) | Valid Name | Nepotilla fenestrata (Verco, 1909) | Introduction | 398 |
MOLLUSCA | CHILODONTIDAE | Danilia telebathia Hedley, 1911 | Valid Name | Danilia telebathia Hedley, 1911 | Introduction | 180, fig. 109 |
MOLLUSCA | CHILODONTIDAE | Dwarf Bead Shell | Common Name | Herpetopoma pumilio (Tate, 1893) | 186 | |
MOLLUSCA | CHILODONTIDAE | Fine Beaded Top Shell | Common Name | Herpetopoma aspersus (Philippi, 1846) | 188 | |
MOLLUSCA | CHILODONTIDAE | Granata imbricata (Lamarck, 1816) | Valid Name | Granata imbricata (Lamarck, 1816) | Introduction | 179, fig. 108 |
MOLLUSCA | CHILODONTIDAE | Herpetopoma annectans (Tate, 1893) | Valid Name | Herpetopoma annectans (Tate, 1893) | Introduction | 187-188, fig. 116 |
MOLLUSCA | CHILODONTIDAE | Herpetopoma annectans (Tate, 1893) | Valid Name | Herpetopoma annectans (Tate, 1893) | Introduction | 187, text fig. 116 |
MOLLUSCA | CHILODONTIDAE | Herpetopoma aspersus (Philippi, 1846) | Valid Name | Herpetopoma aspersus (Philippi, 1846) | Introduction | 158, text fig. 117 |
MOLLUSCA | CHILODONTIDAE | Herpetopoma fenestrata (Tate, 1893) | Valid Name | Herpetopoma fenestrata (Tate, 1893) | Introduction | 342, text fig. 114 |
MOLLUSCA | CHILODONTIDAE | Herpetopoma hamiltoni (Kirk, 1882) | Valid Name | Herpetopoma hamiltoni (Kirk, 1882) | Introduction | 184, text fig. 113 |
MOLLUSCA | CHILODONTIDAE | Herpetopoma pumilio (Tate, 1893) | Valid Name | Herpetopoma pumilio (Tate, 1893) | Introduction | 186, text fig. 115 |
MOLLUSCA | CHILODONTIDAE | Herpetopoma scabriuscula (Angas, 1867) | Valid Name | Herpetopoma scabriuscula (Angas, 1867) | Introduction | 184, fig. 112 |
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Showing publication 1 to 1 on page 1 of 1.
Sub-publications- Cotton, B.C. 1959. Chapter 5. South Australian Gastropoda. Marine, Estuarine, land and Freshwater. pp. 332-448 in Cotton, B.C. South Australian Mollusca. Archaeogastropoda. Handbook of the Flora and Fauna of South Australia. Adelaide : South Australian Government Printer 449 pp.
Showing publication 1 to 1 on page 1 of 1.