Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Turner, R.E. 1918. III. Australian Braconidae in the British Museum. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 1918: 91-114

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Agathiella festinata Turner, 1918 synonym Therophilus festinatus (Turner, 1918) Primary 111
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Agathiella latibalteata (Cameron, 1906) Generic Combination Therophilus latibalteatus (Cameron, 1906) 110
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Agathiella maligna Turner, 1918 synonym Therophilus malignus (Turner, 1918) Primary 112
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Agathiella meridionalis Turner, 1918 synonym Therophilus meridionalis (Turner, 1918) Primary 110
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Agathiella minima Turner, 1918 synonym Therophilus minimus (Turner, 1918) Primary 113
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Agathiella rugosa Turner, 1918 synonym Therophilus rugosus (Turner, 1918) Primary 112
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Agathiella tenuissima Turner, 1918 synonym Therophilus ruficeps (Szépligeti, 1905) Primary 111
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Agathiella unimaculata Turner, 1918 synonym Therophilus unimaculatus (Turner, 1918) Primary 111
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Bracon bimaris Turner, 1918 synonym Mollibracon bimaris Turner, 1918 Primary 93
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Bracon walkeri Turner, 1918 junior homonym Calcaribracon walkeralis Shenefelt, 1978 Primary 93
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Callibracon flaviceps (Cameron, 1901) Valid Name Callibracon flaviceps (Cameron, 1901) Taxonomic arrangement 105
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Campyloneurus mutator (Fabricius, 1775) Generic Combination Pycnobraconoides mutator (Fabricius, 1775) 100
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Campyloneurus praeclarus Turner, 1918 synonym Campyloneurus praeclarus Turner, 1918 Primary 101
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Campyloneurus praepotens Turner, 1918 synonym Campyloneurus praepotens Turner, 1918 Primary 101
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Campyloneurus profugus Turner, 1918 synonym Campyloneurus profugus Turner, 1918 Primary 100
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Cyanopterus innotatus Turner, 1918 synonym Iphiaulax innotatus (Turner, 1918) Primary 95
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Iphiaulax transiens Turner, 1918 junior homonym Iphiaulax dubitorius (Fabricius, 1775) Primary 95
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Ipobracon flaviceps mackayensis Turner, 1918 synonym Callibracon flaviceps mackayensis (Turner, 1918) Primary 105
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Ipobracon fraterculus Turner, 1918 synonym Cyanopterus fraterculus (Turner, 1918) Primary 105
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Ipobracon gilberti Turner, 1918 synonym Cyanopterus gilberti (Turner, 1918) Primary 104
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Ipobracon ingressor Turner, 1918 synonym Cyanopterus ingressor (Turner, 1918) Primary
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Ipobracon ingressor Turner, 1918 synonym Vomeribracon ingressor (Turner, 1918) Primary 102
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Ipobracon pallidicolor Turner, 1918 synonym Cyanopterus pallidicolor (Turner, 1918) Primary 102
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Ipobracon quadricolor Turner, 1918 synonym Cyanopterus quadricolor (Turner, 1918) Primary 103
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Ipobracon torridus Turner, 1918 synonym Cyanopterus torridus (Turner, 1918) Primary 104
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Macrobracon nobilis Turner, 1918 synonym Macrobracon nobilis Turner, 1918 Primary 96
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Megalommum annulatum Turner, 1918 synonym Megalommum annulatum Turner, 1918 Primary 97
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Merinotus xanthocephalus Turner, 1918 synonym Rostraulax xanthocephalus (Turner, 1918) Primary 98
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Microdus martialis Turner, 1918 synonym Therophilus martialis (Turner, 1918) Primary 108
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Microdus rufithorax Turner, 1918 synonym Therophilus rufithorax (Turner, 1918) Primary 107
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Microdus rufobrunneus Turner, 1918 synonym Therophilus rufobrunneus (Turner, 1918) Primary 106
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Microdus xanthopsis Turner, 1918 synonym Therophilus xanthopsis (Turner, 1918) Primary 107
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Platyagathis Turner, 1918 synonym Disophrys Foerster, 1862 Primary 113
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Platyagathis leaena Turner, 1918 synonym Disophrys leaena (Turner, 1918) Primary 114
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Stigmatobracon Turner, 1918 synonym Stigmatobracon Turner, 1918 Primary 91
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Stigmatobracon basipennis Turner, 1918 synonym Stigmatobracon basipennis Turner, 1918 Primary 92
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Stigmatobracon diversipennis Turnet, 1918 synonym Stigmatobracon diversipennis Turner, 1918 Primary 92
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Stigmatobracon torresensis Turner, 1918 synonym Stigmatobracon torresensis Turner, 1918 Primary 93
ARTHROPODA BRACONIDAE Stigmatobracon xanthostigma Turner, 1918 synonym Stigmatobracon xanthostigma Turner, 1918 Primary 92

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