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Phylum | Family | Name | Name Type | Valid Name | Usage | Page |
ANNELIDA | NEPHTYIDAE | Aglaophamus dibranchis (Grube, 1878) | Valid Name | Aglaophamus dibranchis (Grube, 1878) | Introduction | 341, fig. 15.1 |
ANNELIDA | NEPHTYIDAE | Micronephthys sphaerocirrata (Wesenberg-Lund, 1949) | Valid Name | Micronephthys sphaerocirrata (Wesenberg-Lund, 1949) | Custom: Citations | |
ANNELIDA | ONUPHIDAE | Onuphis holobranchiata Marenzeller, 1879 | Valid Name | Onuphis holobranchiata Marenzeller, 1879 | Custom: Citations | |
ANNELIDA | PILARGIDAE | Sigambra parva (Day, 1963) | Valid Name | Sigambra parva (Day, 1963) | Introduction | 216–218, fig. 10 |
ANNELIDA | POLYNOIDAE | Gastrolepidia clavigera Schmarda, 1861 | Valid Name | Gastrolepidia clavigera Schmarda, 1861 | Custom: Citations | |
ANNELIDA | POLYNOIDAE | Paradyte crinoidicola (Potts, 1910) | Valid Name | Paradyte crinoidicola (Potts, 1910) | Custom: Citations | |
ANNELIDA | POLYNOIDAE | Paralepidonotus ampulliferus (Grube, 1878) | Valid Name | Paralepidonotus ampulliferus (Grube, 1878) | Custom: Citations | |
ANNELIDA | POLYNOIDAE | Paralepidonotus indicus (Kinberg, 1856) | Valid Name | Paralepidonotus indicus (Kinberg, 1856) | Custom: Citations | |
ANNELIDA | POLYNOIDAE | Subadyte pellucida (Ehlers, 1864) | Valid Name | Subadyte pellucida (Ehlers, 1864) | Custom: Citations | |
ANNELIDA | SIGALIONIDAE | Ehlersileanira incisa (Grube, 1877) | Valid Name | Ehlersileanira incisa (Grube, 1877) | Custom: Citations | |
ANNELIDA | SIGALIONIDAE | Sthenelais boa (Johnston, 1839) | Valid Name | Sthenelais boa (Johnston, 1839) | Custom: Citations | |
ANNELIDA | SYLLIDAE | Odontosyllis polycera (Schmarda, 1861) | Valid Name | Odontosyllis polycera (Schmarda, 1861) | Custom: Citations | |
ANNELIDA | SYLLIDAE | Sphaerosyllis semiverrucosa Ehlers, 1913 | Valid Name | Sphaerosyllis semiverrucosa Ehlers, 1913 | Custom: Citations | |
ANNELIDA | SYLLIDAE | Syllides longocirrata Ørsted, 1845 | Valid Name | Syllides longocirrata Ørsted, 1845 | Custom: Citations | |
ANNELIDA | SYLLIDAE | Syllis cornuta Rathke, 1843 | Valid Name | Syllis cornuta Rathke, 1843 | Custom: Citations | |
ANNELIDA | SYLLIDAE | Syllis prolifera (Krohn, 1852) | Valid Name | Syllis prolifera (Krohn, 1852) | Custom: Citations | |
ANNELIDA | SYLLIDAE | Trypanosyllis zebra (Grube, 1860) | Valid Name | Trypanosyllis zebra (Grube, 1860) | Custom: Citations | |
ANNELIDA | SYLLIDAE | Typosyllis variegata (Grube, 1860) | Valid Name | Typosyllis variegata (Grube, 1860) | Custom: Citations | |
ANNELIDA | AMPHARETIDAE | Isolda pulchella F. Müller, 1858 | Valid Name | Isolda pulchella F. Müller, 1858 | Custom: Citations | |
ANNELIDA | SCALIBREGMATIDAE | Scalibregma inflatum Rathke, 1843 | Valid Name | Scalibregma inflatum Rathke, 1843 | Custom: Citations |
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