Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Bayly, I.A.E. & Arnott, G.H. 1969. A new centropagid genus (Copepoda: Calanoida) from Australian estuarine waters. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 20: 189-198

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA CENTROPAGIDAE Boeckella Guerne & Richard, 1889 Valid Name Boeckella Guerne & Richard, 1889 Introduction 194
ARTHROPODA CENTROPAGIDAE Calamoecia Brady, 1906 Valid Name Calamoecia Brady, 1906 Introduction 194
ARTHROPODA CENTROPAGIDAE Centropages Kroyer, 1849 Valid Name Centropages Kroyer, 1849 Introduction 194
ARTHROPODA CENTROPAGIDAE Gippslandia Bayly & Arnott, 1969 Valid Name Gippslandia Bayly & Arnott, 1969 Introduction 194
ARTHROPODA CENTROPAGIDAE Gippslandia Bayly & Arnott, 1969 synonym Gippslandia Bayly & Arnott, 1969 Primary 189
ARTHROPODA CENTROPAGIDAE Gippslandia estuarina Bayly & Arnott, 1969 Valid Name Gippslandia estuarina Bayly & Arnott, 1969 Introduction 194
ARTHROPODA CENTROPAGIDAE Gippslandia estuarina Bayly & Arnott, 1969 synonym Gippslandia estuarina Bayly & Arnott, 1969 Primary 191
ARTHROPODA CENTROPAGIDAE Gladioferens Henry, 1919 Valid Name Gladioferens Henry, 1919 Introduction 194
ARTHROPODA CENTROPAGIDAE Gladioferens (Protogladioferens) Bayly, 1963 Valid Name Gladioferens (Protogladioferens) Bayly, 1963 Introduction 194
ARTHROPODA CENTROPAGIDAE Gladioferens (Protogladioferens) estuarina Bayly & Arnott, 1969 synonym Gladioferens (Protogladioferens) estuarina Bayly & Arnott, 1969 Primary 189
ARTHROPODA CENTROPAGIDAE Hemiboeckella Sars, 1912 Valid Name Hemiboeckella Sars, 1912 Introduction 194

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