Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Steinmann, H. 1981. A revision of the Indo-Australian Gonolabis Burr, 1900 species (Dermaptera: Carcinophoridae). Folia Entomologica Hungarica 34(2): 187-195

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA ANISOLABIDIDAE Gonolabis Burr, 1900 Valid Name Gonolabis Burr, 1900 Introduction 187
ARTHROPODA ANISOLABIDIDAE Gonolabis dentata Steinmann, 1981 synonym Gonolabis dentata Steinmann, 1981 Primary 190
ARTHROPODA ANISOLABIDIDAE Gonolabis electa Burr, 1910 Valid Name Gonolabis electa Burr, 1910 Introduction 190
ARTHROPODA ANISOLABIDIDAE Gonolabis forcipata Burr, 1908 Valid Name Gonolabis forcipata Burr, 1908 Introduction 192, figs 11, 12
ARTHROPODA ANISOLABIDIDAE Gonolabis gilesi Steinmann, 1981 synonym Gonolabis gilesi Steinmann, 1981 Primary 188
ARTHROPODA ANISOLABIDIDAE Gonolabis tasmanica (Bormans, 1880) Valid Name Gonolabis tasmanica (Bormans, 1880) Introduction 192, figs 13, 14

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