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Phylum | Family | Name | Name Type | Valid Name | Usage | Page |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Doddosia picta Edwards, 1934 | Type Species original designation | Doddosia Edwards, 1934 | 258 | |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Dolichomyia minima Roberts, 1929 | synonym | Zaclava minima (Roberts, 1929) | Type Data | 69 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Eclimus longipalpus Hardy, 1921 | synonym | Thevenetimyia longipalpus (Hardy, 1921) | Type Data | 211 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Eniconevra fuscipennis Macquart, 1840 | Type Species monotypy | Toxophora Meigen, 1803 | 69 | |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Eristalopsis byrrha (Bowden, 1971) | Valid Name | Eristalopsis byrrha (Bowden, 1971) | Distributions | 149 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Eristalopsis byrrha (Bowden, 1971) | Generic Combination | Eristalopsis byrrha (Bowden, 1971) | 149 | |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Eristalopsis robertsi (Paramonov, 1934) | Valid Name | Eristalopsis robertsi (Paramonov, 1934) | Distributions | 149 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Eristalopsis rubriventris (Bigot, 1892) | Valid Name | Eristalopsis rubriventris (Bigot, 1892) | Distributions | 149 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Eusurbus altus (Walker, 1849) | Valid Name | Eusurbus altus (Walker, 1849) | Distributions | 152 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Exechohypopion albatum (Roberts, 1928) | Valid Name | Exechohypopion albatum (Roberts, 1928) | Distributions | 432 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Exechohypopion greatheadi Evenhuis, 1991 | Type Species original designation | Exechohypopion Evenhuis, 1991 | 432 | |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Exechohypopion minus (Macquart, 1850) | Valid Name | Exechohypopion minus (Macquart, 1850) | Distributions | 432 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Exechohypopion nigricostatum (Macquart, 1850) | Valid Name | Exechohypopion nigricostatum (Macquart, 1850) | Distributions | 432 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Exechohypopion robertsi Evenhuis & Greathead, 1999 | replacement name | Exechohypopion robertsi Evenhuis & Greathead, 1999 | Primary | 433 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Exechohypopion subobscurum (Hardy, 1942) | Valid Name | Exechohypopion subobscurum (Hardy, 1942) | Distributions | 433 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Exoprosopa insignis Macquart, 1855 | synonym | Ligyra satyrus Fabricius, 1775 | Type Data | 410 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Exoprosopa macraspis Thomson, 1869 | synonym | Ligyra sinuatifascia (Macquart, 1855) | Type Data | 410 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Exoprosopa sinuatifascia Macquart, 1855 | synonym | Ligyra sinuatifascia (Macquart, 1855) | Type Data | 410 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Geron australis Macquart, 1840 | Valid Name | Geron australis Macquart, 1840 | Distributions | 38 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Geron chrysonotum Evenhuis, 1979 | Valid Name | Geron chrysonotum Evenhuis, 1979 | Distributions | 39 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Geron cothurnatus Bigot, 1892 | synonym | Geron dispar Macquart, 1850 | Type Data | 50 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Geron dispar Macquart, 1850 | Valid Name | Geron dispar Macquart, 1850 | Distributions | 50 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Geron dispar Macquart, 1850 | synonym | Geron dispar Macquart, 1850 | Type Data | 50 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Geron flavocciput Evenhuis, 1979 | Valid Name | Geron flavocciput Evenhuis, 1979 | Distributions | 41 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Geron fumipennis Evenhuis, 1979 | synonym | Geron fumipennis Evenhuis, 1979 | Type Data | 41 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Geron karakara Evenhuis, 1979 | synonym | Geron karakara Evenhuis, 1979 | Type Data | 43 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Geron nigralis Roberts, 1929 | Valid Name | Geron nigralis Roberts, 1929 | Distributions | 50 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Geron nigralis Roberts, 1929 | synonym | Geron nigralis Roberts, 1929 | Type Data | 50 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Geron robustus Evenhuis, 1979 | synonym | Geron validus Evenhuis, 1989 | Type Data | 49 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Geron validus Evenhuis, 1989 | Valid Name | Geron validus Evenhuis, 1989 | Distributions | 49 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Glossista lipposa Bigot, 1892 | synonym | Villa lipposa (Bigot, 1892) | Type Data | 502 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Lambkinomyia flavovillosa (Roberts, 1928) | Valid Name | Lambkinomyia flavovillosa (Roberts, 1928) | Distributions | 158 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Laurella auripila Hull, 1971 | Type Species original designation | Laurella Hull, 1971 | 158 | |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Lepidanthrax albifrons Roberts, 1928 | Valid Name | Lepidanthrax albifrons Roberts, 1928 | Distributions | 451 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Lepidanthrax albifrons Roberts, 1928 | synonym | Lepidanthrax albifrons Roberts, 1928 | Type Data | 451 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Ligyra satyrus Fabricius, 1775 | synonym | Ligyra satyrus Fabricius, 1775 | Type Data | 410 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Ligyra sinuatifascia (Macquart, 1855) | Valid Name | Ligyra sinuatifascia (Macquart, 1855) | Distributions | 410 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Litorhina lar (Fabricius, 1782) | Valid Name | Litorhina lar (Fabricius, 1782) | Distributions | 414 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Litorhynchus corticeus Bezzi, 1924 | Type Species original designation | Litorhina Bowden, 1975 | 412 | |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Mandella albohirta (Roberts, 1928) | Valid Name | Mandella albohirta (Roberts, 1928) | Distributions | 158 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Mandella australis (Guérin-Méneville, 1831) | Valid Name | Mandella australis (Guérin-Méneville, 1831) | Distributions | 159 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Marmasoma sumptuosa White, 1916 | Type Species monotypy | Marmasoma White, 1916 | 209 | |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Marmasoma sumptuosum White, 1916 | Valid Name | Marmasoma sumptuosum White, 1916 | Distributions | 209 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Meomyia albiceps (Macquart, 1848) | Valid Name | Meomyia albiceps (Macquart, 1848) | Distributions | 159 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Meomyia callynthrophora (Schiner, 1868) | Valid Name | Meomyia callynthrophora (Schiner, 1868) | Distributions | 159 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Meomyia fasciculata (Macquart, 1840) | Valid Name | Meomyia fasciculata (Macquart, 1840) | Distributions | 159 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Meomyia pausaria (Jaennicke, 1867) | Valid Name | Meomyia pausaria (Jaennicke, 1867) | Distributions | 159 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Meomyia penicillata (Macquart, 1850) | Valid Name | Meomyia penicillata (Macquart, 1850) | Distributions | 159 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Meomyia sericans (Macquart, 1850) | Valid Name | Meomyia sericans (Macquart, 1850) | Distributions | 159 |
ARTHROPODA | BOMBYLIIDAE | Meomyia tetratricha (Walker, 1849) | Valid Name | Meomyia tetratricha (Walker, 1849) | Distributions | 160 |
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