Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Baker, A.N. & Devaney, D.M. 1981. New records of Ophiuroidea (Echinodermata) from southern Australia, including new species of Ophiacantha and Ophionereis. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 105(4): 155-178, figs 1-98

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Amphiura (Amphiura) elandiformis A.M. Clark, 1966 Valid Name Amphiura (Amphiura) elandiformis A.M. Clark, 1966 Introduction 175
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Amphiura (Amphiura) magellanica Ljungman, 1867 Valid Name Amphiura (Amphiura) magellanica Ljungman, 1867 Introduction 175
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Amphiura (Amphiura) multiremula H.L. Clark, 1938 Valid Name Amphiura (Amphiura) multiremula H.L. Clark, 1938 Introduction 175
ECHINODERMATA AMPHIURIDAE Amphiura (Amphiura) trisacantha H.L. Clark, 1928 Valid Name Amphiura (Amphiura) trisacantha H.L. Clark, 1928 Introduction 175-176, fig. 43-48
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiacantha alternata A.M. Clark, 1966 Valid Name Ophiacantha alternata A.M. Clark, 1966 Introduction 167-170, fig. 42, 84-87
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiacantha brachygnatha H.L. Clark, 1928 Valid Name Ophiacantha brachygnatha H.L. Clark, 1928 Introduction 171-173, fig. 40, 93-98
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiacantha clavigera Koehler, 1907 Valid Name Ophiacantha clavigera Koehler, 1907 Introduction 170-171, fig. 41, 79-83
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiacantha fidelis (Koehler, 1930) Valid Name Ophiacantha fidelis (Koehler, 1930) Introduction 173
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiacantha heterotyla H.L. Clark, 1909 Valid Name Ophiacantha heterotyla H.L. Clark, 1909 Introduction 167, fig. 39, 75-78
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiacantha shepherdi Baker & Devaney, 1981 synonym Ophiacantha shepherdi Baker & Devaney, 1981 Primary 163-167, figs 37-38, 69-74
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiolebes yaldwyni (Fell, 1958) Valid Name Ophiolebes yaldwyni (Fell, 1958) Introduction 173
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophioplinthaca incisa (Lyman, 1883) [Ophioplinthaca incisa (Lyman, 1883) (=Ophiomitra incisa Lyman, 1883) does not occur in Australia; specimens recorded as this by Baker & Devaney (1981) and Rowe & Gates (1995) are Ophioplinthaca plicata (Lyman, 1878) (O'Hara pers.comm.)] Miscellaneous Literature Name Ophioplinthaca plicata (Lyman, 1878)
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophioplinthaca plicata (Lyman, 1878) Valid Name Ophioplinthaca plicata (Lyman, 1878) Introduction 174
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiosabine rosea (Lyman, 1878) Valid Name Ophiosabine rosea (Lyman, 1878) Introduction 173-174
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACANTHIDAE Ophiosabine rosea (Lyman, 1878) Valid Name Ophiosabine rosea (Lyman, 1878) Synonymy references 173
ECHINODERMATA HEMIEURYALIDAE Ophioplocus bispinosus H.L. Clark, 1918 Valid Name Ophioplocus bispinosus H.L. Clark, 1918 Introduction 157-158, fig. 1-2, 4-5, 14-17
ECHINODERMATA OPHIACTIDAE Ophiactis tricolor H.L. Clark, 1928 Valid Name Ophiactis tricolor H.L. Clark, 1928 Synonymy references 174-175
ECHINODERMATA OPHIODERMATIDAE Bathypectinura heros (Lyman, 1879) Valid Name Bathypectinura heros (Lyman, 1879) Introduction 163
ECHINODERMATA OPHIONEREIDIDAE Ophiochiton lentus Lyman, 1879 Valid Name Ophiochiton lentus Lyman, 1879 Introduction 161
ECHINODERMATA OPHIONEREIDIDAE Ophionereis terba Baker & Devaney, 1981 synonym Ophionereis novaezelandiae Mortensen, 1936 Primary 158-161, fig. 30
ECHINODERMATA OPHIOMYXIDAE Ophioconis opacum (H.L. Clark, 1928) Valid Name Ophioconis opacum (H.L. Clark, 1928) Introduction 162-163, fig. 31-32
ECHINODERMATA OPHIOMUSAIDAE Ophiomusa anisacantha (H.L. Clark, 1928) Valid Name Ophiomusa anisacantha (H.L. Clark, 1928) Introduction 158, fig. 22-24
ECHINODERMATA OPHIOMUSAIDAE Ophiomusa australe (H.L. Clark, 1928) Valid Name Ophiomusa australe (H.L. Clark, 1928) Introduction 158, fig. 25-27
ECHINODERMATA OPHIOTRICHIDAE Macrophiothrix albostriata (H.L. Clark, 1928) Valid Name Macrophiothrix albostriata (H.L. Clark, 1928) Introduction 167, fig. 49-54
ECHINODERMATA OPHIOTRICHIDAE Macrophiothrix hymenacantha (H.L. Clark, 1928) Valid Name Macrophiothrix hymenacantha (H.L. Clark, 1928) Introduction 176-177, fig. 60-62

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