Showing publications 1 to 21 on page 1 of 1.
Sub-publications- Barrett, M.D. & Williams, M.R. 1998. Distribution of the western Petalura dragonfly Petalura hesperia Watson in Western Australia. Pacific Conservation Biology 4(2): 149-154
- Beale, J.P. 1997. Comments on the efficacy of Queensland nature conservation legislation in relation to Acrodipsas illidgei (Waterhouse & Lyell) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Pacific Conservation Biology 3: 392-396
- Bond, A.L. & Lavers, J.L. 2024. New distribution records of the coconut crab (Birgus latro) in eastern Polynesia on Oeno Atoll, Henderson Island, and Ducie Atoll, Pitcairn Islands. Pacific Conservation Biology 30: PC24043
- Close, R.L., Eldridge, M.D.B., Bell, J.N. & Reside, J. 1994. A genetic study of the brush-tailed rock wallaby Petrogale penicillata in East Gippsland and relevance for management of the species in Victoria. Pacific Conservation Biology 1: 367-371
- Crome, F.H.J., Isaacs, J. & Moore, L.A. 1994. The utility to birds and mammals of remnant riparian vegetation and associated windbreaks in the tropical Queensland uplands. Pacific Conservation Biology 1: 328-343
- Crossman, D.G., Johnson, C.N. & Horsup, A.B. 1994. Trends in the population of the northern hairy-nosed wombat Lasiorhinus krefftii in Epping Forest National Park, central Queensland. Pacific Conservation Biology 1: 141-149
- Doupé, R.G. & Burrows, D.W, 2008. Thirty years later, should we be more concerned for the ongoing invasion of Mozambique tilapia in Australia?. Pacific Conservation Biology 14: 235–238
- Fulton, G.R. 2017. The Bramble Cay melomys: the first mammalian extinction due to human-induced climate change. Pacific Conservation Biology 23: 1-3
- Gale, N., Farquhar, J.E., Carlesso, A., Robert, K. & Chapple, D.G. 2024. Determining the geographic distribution and ecology of the critically endangered Kaputar rock skink (Egernia roomi). Pacific Conservation Biology 30: PC24001
- Geyle, H.M., Woolley, L-A., Davies, H.F., Woinarski, J.C.Z. & Murphy, B.P. 2020. Targeted sampling successfully detects the cryptic and declining arboreal marsupial (Phascogale pirata) in northern Australia. Pacific Conservation Biology 26: 395-403
- Herr, A. & Klomp, N.I. 1999. Preliminary investigation of roosting habitat preference of the large forest bat Vespadelus darlingtoni (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae). Pacific Conservation Biology 5: 203-213
- Jackson, S.M. 1999. Preliminary predictions of the impacts of habitat area and catastrophes on the viability of mahogany glider Petaurus gracilis populations. Pacific Conservation Biology 5: 56-62
- Jolly, C.J., Moore, H.A., Cowan, M.A., Cremona, T., Dunlop, J.A., Legge, S.M., Linley, G.D, Miritis, V., Woinarski, J.C.Z. & Nimmo, D.G. 2022. Taxonomic revision reveals potential impacts of Black Summer megafires on a cryptic species. Pacific Conservation Biology 29(1): 17-25
- Law, B.S., Chidel, M. & Turner, G. 2000. The use by wildlife of paddock trees in farmland. Pacific Conservation Biology 6: 130-143
- Leung, L.K.-P., Dickman, C.R. & Moore, L.A. 1993. Genetic variation in fragmented populations of an Australian rainforest rodent Melomys cervinipes. Pacific Conservation Biology 1: 58-65
- Lindenmayer, D.B. & Norton, T.W. 1993. The conservation of Leadbeater's possum in southeastern Australia and the northern spotted owl in the Pacific North-west of the USA: management issues, strategies and lessons. Pacific Conservation Biology 1: 13-18
- Macfarlane, M.A. & Loyn, R.H. 1994. Management for the conservation of Leadbeater's possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri) - a reply. Pacific Conservation Biology 1: 84-86 [with response by D.B. Lindenmayer]
- Noble, J.C., Tongway, D.J., Roper, M.M. & Whitford, W.G. 1996. Fire studies in mallee (Eucalyptus spp.) communities of western New South Wales: spatial and temporal fluxes in soil chemistry and soil biology following prescribed fire. Pacific Conservation Biology 2: 398-413
- Pavey, C.R. 1998. Colony sizes, roost use and foraging ecology of Hipposideros diadema reginae, a rare bat from tropical Australia. Pacific Conservation Biology 4: 232-239
- Southgate, R. & Adams, M. 1993. Genetic variation in the greater bilby. Pacific Conservation Biology 1: 46-51
- Umbers, K., Slatyer, R., Tatarnic, N., Muschett, G., Wang, S. & Song, H. 2021. Phylogenetics of the skyhoppers (Kosciuscola) of the Australian Alps: evolutionary and conservation implications. Pacific Conservation Biology 28: 261-276
Showing publications 1 to 21 on page 1 of 1.