Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Alexander, C.P. 1978. New or insufficiently known Australasian crane flies. IV (Diptera, Tipulidae). Studia Entomologica 20: 141-175

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA CERATOPOGONIDAE Monohelea tigrina (Skuse, 1889) Valid Name Monohelea tigrina (Skuse, 1889) Introduction 174
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Baeoura convoluta (Alexander, 1931) Generic Combination Ozeoura convoluta (Alexander, 1931) 170
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Baeoura hemmingseni Alexander, 1978 synonym Ozeoura hemmingseni (Alexander, 1978) Primary 168
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Baeoura tasmanica (Alexander, 1926) Generic Combination Ozeoura tasmanica (Alexander, 1926) 170
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Baeoura tonnoiri (Alexander, 1926) Generic Combination Ozeoura tonnoiri (Alexander, 1926) 170
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Erioptera (Alcheringa) amabilis Alexander, 1926 Valid Name Erioptera (Alcheringa) amabilis Alexander, 1926 Synonymy references 171
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Erioptera (Psiloconopa) perexquisita Alexander, 1978 synonym Erioptera (Erioptera) perexquisita Alexander, 1978 Primary 170
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Gonomyia (Lipophleps) dischidia Alexander, 1978 synonym Gonomyia (Leiponeura) dischidia Alexander, 1978 Primary 164
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Gonomyia (Lipophleps) perssoni Alexander, 1978 synonym Gonomyia (Leiponeura) perssoni Alexander, 1978 Primary 166
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Gonomyia (Lipophleps) protenta Alexander, 1978 synonym Gonomyia (Leiponeura) protenta Alexander, 1978 Primary 167
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Limonia (Geranomyia) entmema Alexander, 1978 synonym Geranomyia entmema (Alexander, 1978) Primary 144
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Limonia (Geranomyia) neopicta Alexander, 1978 synonym Geranomyia neopicta (Alexander, 1978) Primary 145
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Molophilus (Molophilus) perserenus Alexander, 1978 synonym Molophilus (Molophilus) perserenus Alexander, 1978 Primary 172
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Molophilus (Molophilus) subannulipes Alexander, 1978 synonym Molophilus (Molophilus) subannulipes Alexander, 1978 Primary 172
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Molophilus multispicatus Alexander, 1978 synonym Molophilus (Molophilus) multispicatus Alexander, 1978 Primary 171
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Paralimnophila hemmingseniana Alexander, 1978 synonym Limnophila hemmingseniana (Alexander, 1978) Primary 158
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Paralimnophila stradbrokensis Alexander, 1978 synonym Paralimnophila (Paralimnophila) stradbrokensis Alexander, 1978 Primary 159
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Trentepohlia (Trentepohlia) luteicostata Alexander, 1978 synonym Trentepohlia (Trentepohlia) luteicostata Alexander, 1978 Primary 162
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Trentepohlia (Trentepohlia) trentepohlii (Wiedemann, 1828) Valid Name Trentepohlia (Trentepohlia) trentepohlii (Wiedemann, 1828) Introduction 163

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