Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Townes, H.K. 1971. The genera of Ichneumonidae, Part 4. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 17: 1-372

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA ICHNEUMONIDAE Apomesus Townes, 1971 synonym Ophion Fabricius, 1798 Primary 54
ARTHROPODA ICHNEUMONIDAE Heteropelma Wesmael, 1849 Valid Name Heteropelma Wesmael, 1849 Introduction 157
ARTHROPODA ICHNEUMONIDAE Mecetron Townes, 1971 synonym Ophion Fabricius, 1798 Primary 60
ARTHROPODA ICHNEUMONIDAE Microcremastus amseli Hedwig, 1961 Type Species subsequent designation Anomalon Panzer, 1804 125
ARTHROPODA ICHNEUMONIDAE Perisphincter Townes, 1961 Valid Name Perisphincter Townes, 1961 Introduction 142
ARTHROPODA ICHNEUMONIDAE Stethantyx Townes, 1971 synonym Stethantyx Townes, 1971 Primary 42
ARTHROPODA ICHNEUMONIDAE Tanypelma Townes, 1971 synonym Heteropelma Wesmael, 1849 Primary 157
ARTHROPODA ICHNEUMONIDAE Trichomma Wesmael, 1849 Valid Name Trichomma Wesmael, 1849 Introduction 129
ARTHROPODA ICHNEUMONIDAE Yezoceryx Uchida, 1928 Valid Name Yezoceryx Uchida, 1928 Introduction 172

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