Showing references 1 to 50 on page 1 of 2. 1 | 2 Next »
Phylum | Family | Name | Name Type | Valid Name | Usage | Page |
ARTHROPODA | ACANTHONOTOZOMELLIDAE | Acanthonotozomella Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Acanthonotozomella Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 332 |
ARTHROPODA | ACANTHONOTOZOMELLIDAE | Acanthonotozomella alata Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Acanthonotozomella alata Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 332, fig. 45 |
ARTHROPODA | AMPHILOCHIDAE | Amphilochella Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Amphilochella Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 307 |
ARTHROPODA | AMPHILOCHIDAE | Amphilochella simplicarpa Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Amphilochella simplicarpa Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 307 |
ARTHROPODA | AMPHILOCHIDAE | Gitanopsis inaequipes Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Gitanopsis inaequipes Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 303 |
ARTHROPODA | AMPHILOCHIDAE | Gitanopsis simplex Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Gitanopsis simplex Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 473 |
ARTHROPODA | ATYLIDAE | Lepechinella drygalskii Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Lepechinella drygalskii Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 345, fig. 50 |
ARTHROPODA | CALLIOPIIDAE | Atylopsis multisetosa Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Lopyastis multisetosa (Schellenberg, 1926) | Primary | 351, fig. 51 |
ARTHROPODA | CALLIOPIIDAE | Harpinioidella Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Harpinioides Stebbing, 1888 | Primary | 356 |
ARTHROPODA | CALLIOPIIDAE | Harpinioidella fissicauda Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Harpinioides fissicauda Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 357, fig. 53 |
ARTHROPODA | CALLIOPIIDAE | Harpinioides fissicauda Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Harpinioides fissicauda Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | |
ARTHROPODA | CAPRELLIDAE | Aeginoides Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Aeginoides Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 465 |
ARTHROPODA | CAPRELLIDAE | Aeginoides gaussi Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Aeginoides gaussi Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 465-467, fig. 1 |
ARTHROPODA | COLOMASTIGIDAE | Colomastix fissilingua Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Colomastix fissilingua Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 324 |
ARTHROPODA | ISCHYROCERIDAE | Pseudericthonius Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Pseudericthonius Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 385 |
ARTHROPODA | ISCHYROCERIDAE | Pseudericthonius gaussi Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Pseudericthonius gaussi Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 385, fig. 66 |
ARTHROPODA | STEGOCEPHALIDAE | Stegocephaloides vanhoeffeni Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Pseudo vanhoeffeni (Schellenberg, 1926) | Primary | 299 |
ARTHROPODA | OEDICEROTIDAE | Halicreion vanhoffeni Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Halicreion vanhoffeni Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 340, fig. 48 |
ARTHROPODA | OEDICEROTIDAE | Oediceroides newnesi (Walker, 1903) | Generic Combination | Oediceroides newnesi (Walker, 1903) | 339 | |
ARTHROPODA | MELPHIDIPPIDAE | Melphidippa antarctica Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Melphidippa antarctica Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 347 |
ARTHROPODA | PHOTIDAE | Eurystheus triodon Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Gammaropsis (Gammaropsis) triodon (Schellenberg, 1926) | Primary | 377, fig. 62 |
ARTHROPODA | PODOCERIDAE | Podocerus septemcarinatus Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Podocerus septemcarinatus Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 388, fig. 68 |
ARTHROPODA | IPHIMEDIIDAE | Iphimedia microdentata Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Iphimediella microdentata Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | |
ARTHROPODA | IPHIMEDIIDAE | Iphimedia serrata Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Iphimediella serrata (Schellenberg, 1926) | Primary | 328, fig. 43 |
ARTHROPODA | IPHIMEDIIDAE | Iphimediella sexdentata Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Gnathiphimedia sexdentata (Schellenberg, 1926) | Primary | 331 |
ARTHROPODA | KERGUELENIIDAE | Kerguelenia glacialis Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Kerguelenia glacialis Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 239, fig. 1 |
ARTHROPODA | MAERIDAE | Ceradocopsis Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Ceradocopsis Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 365 |
ARTHROPODA | MAERIDAE | Ceradocopsis kergueleni Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Ceradocopsis kergueleni Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 365, fig. 56 |
ARTHROPODA | PARDALISCIDAE | Halicella Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Halicella Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 334 |
ARTHROPODA | PARDALISCIDAE | Halicella parasitica Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Halicella parasitica Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 334, fig. 46 |
ARTHROPODA | PACHYNIDAE | Pachychelium Stephensen, 1925 | Valid Name | Pachychelium Stephensen, 1925 | Introduction | 296 |
ARTHROPODA | PONTOGENEIIDAE | Atyloides magellanica (Stebbing, 1888) | Generic Combination | Atyloella magellanica (Stebbing, 1888) | 360, fig. 55 | |
ARTHROPODA | PONTOGENEIIDAE | Prostebbingia Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Prostebbingia Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 357 |
ARTHROPODA | PONTOGENEIIDAE | Prostebbingia gracilis (Chevreux, 1912) | Generic Combination | Prostebbingia gracilis (Chevreux, 1912) | 358 | |
ARTHROPODA | PONTOGENEIIDAE | Prostebbingia serrata Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Prostebbingia serrata Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 358, fig. 54 |
ARTHROPODA | SEBIDAE | Seba dubia Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Seba dubia Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 309, fig. 34 |
ARTHROPODA | HIRONDELLEIDAE | Tetronychia antarctica Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Hirondellea antarctica (Schellenberg, 1926) | Primary | 251, fig. 8 |
ARTHROPODA | STENOTHOIDAE | Metopella cornuta Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Mesoproboloides cornuta Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 316, fig. 37 |
ARTHROPODA | STENOTHOIDAE | Metopella similis Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Mesoproboloides similis (Schellenberg, 1926) | Primary | 314, fig. 36 |
ARTHROPODA | STENOTHOIDAE | Metopoides curvipes Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Metopoides curvipes Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 322, fig. 40 |
ARTHROPODA | STENOTHOIDAE | Metopoides heterostylis Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Metopoides heterostylis Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 320, fig. 39 |
ARTHROPODA | STENOTHOIDAE | Metopoides macrocheir Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Metopoides macrocheir Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 318, fig. 38 |
ARTHROPODA | STENOTHOIDAE | Proboloides typica (Walker, 1906) | Generic Combination | Proboloides typicus (Walker, 1906) | 323, fig. 41 | |
ARTHROPODA | STENOTHOIDAE | Prometopa Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Prometopa Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 310 |
ARTHROPODA | STENOTHOIDAE | Prometopa tuberculata Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Prometopa tuberculata Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 310, fig. 35 |
ARTHROPODA | LYSIANASSIDAE | Allogaussia Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Allogaussia Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 245 |
ARTHROPODA | LYSIANASSIDAE | Allogaussia galeata Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Allogaussia galeata Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 249, fig. 7 |
ARTHROPODA | LYSIANASSIDAE | Allogaussia litoralis Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Orchomenella (Orchomenella) franklini (Walker, 1903) | Primary | 248, fig. 6 |
ARTHROPODA | LYSIANASSIDAE | Allogaussia paradoxa Schellenberg, 1926 | synonym | Allogaussia paradoxa Schellenberg, 1926 | Primary | 246, fig. 5 |
ARTHROPODA | LYSIANASSIDAE | Orchomenella cavimanus (Stebbing, 1888) | Generic Combination | Orchomenella (Orchomenopsis) cavimanus (Stebbing, 1888) | 285, fig. 25 |