Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Schellenberg, A. 1926. Die Gammariden der Deutschen Südpolar-Expedition 1901-1903. Deutsche Südpolar Expedition 1901–1903 10 18: 235-414

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA ACANTHONOTOZOMELLIDAE Acanthonotozomella Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Acanthonotozomella Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 332
ARTHROPODA ACANTHONOTOZOMELLIDAE Acanthonotozomella alata Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Acanthonotozomella alata Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 332, fig. 45
ARTHROPODA AMPHILOCHIDAE Amphilochella Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Amphilochella Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 307
ARTHROPODA AMPHILOCHIDAE Amphilochella simplicarpa Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Amphilochella simplicarpa Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 307
ARTHROPODA AMPHILOCHIDAE Gitanopsis inaequipes Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Gitanopsis inaequipes Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 303
ARTHROPODA AMPHILOCHIDAE Gitanopsis simplex Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Gitanopsis simplex Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 473
ARTHROPODA ATYLIDAE Lepechinella drygalskii Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Lepechinella drygalskii Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 345, fig. 50
ARTHROPODA CALLIOPIIDAE Atylopsis multisetosa Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Lopyastis multisetosa (Schellenberg, 1926) Primary 351, fig. 51
ARTHROPODA CALLIOPIIDAE Harpinioidella Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Harpinioides Stebbing, 1888 Primary 356
ARTHROPODA CALLIOPIIDAE Harpinioidella fissicauda Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Harpinioides fissicauda Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 357, fig. 53
ARTHROPODA CALLIOPIIDAE Harpinioides fissicauda Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Harpinioides fissicauda Schellenberg, 1926 Primary
ARTHROPODA CAPRELLIDAE Aeginoides Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Aeginoides Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 465
ARTHROPODA CAPRELLIDAE Aeginoides gaussi Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Aeginoides gaussi Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 465-467, fig. 1
ARTHROPODA COLOMASTIGIDAE Colomastix fissilingua Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Colomastix fissilingua Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 324
ARTHROPODA ISCHYROCERIDAE Pseudericthonius Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Pseudericthonius Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 385
ARTHROPODA ISCHYROCERIDAE Pseudericthonius gaussi Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Pseudericthonius gaussi Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 385, fig. 66
ARTHROPODA STEGOCEPHALIDAE Stegocephaloides vanhoeffeni Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Pseudo vanhoeffeni (Schellenberg, 1926) Primary 299
ARTHROPODA OEDICEROTIDAE Halicreion vanhoffeni Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Halicreion vanhoffeni Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 340, fig. 48
ARTHROPODA OEDICEROTIDAE Oediceroides newnesi (Walker, 1903) Generic Combination Oediceroides newnesi (Walker, 1903) 339
ARTHROPODA MELPHIDIPPIDAE Melphidippa antarctica Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Melphidippa antarctica Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 347
ARTHROPODA PHOTIDAE Eurystheus triodon Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Gammaropsis (Gammaropsis) triodon (Schellenberg, 1926) Primary 377, fig. 62
ARTHROPODA PODOCERIDAE Podocerus septemcarinatus Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Podocerus septemcarinatus Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 388, fig. 68
ARTHROPODA IPHIMEDIIDAE Iphimedia microdentata Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Iphimediella microdentata Schellenberg, 1926 Primary
ARTHROPODA IPHIMEDIIDAE Iphimedia serrata Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Iphimediella serrata (Schellenberg, 1926) Primary 328, fig. 43
ARTHROPODA IPHIMEDIIDAE Iphimediella sexdentata Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Gnathiphimedia sexdentata (Schellenberg, 1926) Primary 331
ARTHROPODA KERGUELENIIDAE Kerguelenia glacialis Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Kerguelenia glacialis Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 239, fig. 1
ARTHROPODA MAERIDAE Ceradocopsis Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Ceradocopsis Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 365
ARTHROPODA MAERIDAE Ceradocopsis kergueleni Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Ceradocopsis kergueleni Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 365, fig. 56
ARTHROPODA PARDALISCIDAE Halicella Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Halicella Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 334
ARTHROPODA PARDALISCIDAE Halicella parasitica Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Halicella parasitica Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 334, fig. 46
ARTHROPODA PACHYNIDAE Pachychelium Stephensen, 1925 Valid Name Pachychelium Stephensen, 1925 Introduction 296
ARTHROPODA PONTOGENEIIDAE Atyloides magellanica (Stebbing, 1888) Generic Combination Atyloella magellanica (Stebbing, 1888) 360, fig. 55
ARTHROPODA PONTOGENEIIDAE Prostebbingia Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Prostebbingia Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 357
ARTHROPODA PONTOGENEIIDAE Prostebbingia gracilis (Chevreux, 1912) Generic Combination Prostebbingia gracilis (Chevreux, 1912) 358
ARTHROPODA PONTOGENEIIDAE Prostebbingia serrata Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Prostebbingia serrata Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 358, fig. 54
ARTHROPODA SEBIDAE Seba dubia Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Seba dubia Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 309, fig. 34
ARTHROPODA HIRONDELLEIDAE Tetronychia antarctica Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Hirondellea antarctica (Schellenberg, 1926) Primary 251, fig. 8
ARTHROPODA STENOTHOIDAE Metopella cornuta Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Mesoproboloides cornuta Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 316, fig. 37
ARTHROPODA STENOTHOIDAE Metopella similis Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Mesoproboloides similis (Schellenberg, 1926) Primary 314, fig. 36
ARTHROPODA STENOTHOIDAE Metopoides curvipes Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Metopoides curvipes Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 322, fig. 40
ARTHROPODA STENOTHOIDAE Metopoides heterostylis Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Metopoides heterostylis Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 320, fig. 39
ARTHROPODA STENOTHOIDAE Metopoides macrocheir Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Metopoides macrocheir Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 318, fig. 38
ARTHROPODA STENOTHOIDAE Proboloides typica (Walker, 1906) Generic Combination Proboloides typicus (Walker, 1906) 323, fig. 41
ARTHROPODA STENOTHOIDAE Prometopa Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Prometopa Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 310
ARTHROPODA STENOTHOIDAE Prometopa tuberculata Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Prometopa tuberculata Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 310, fig. 35
ARTHROPODA LYSIANASSIDAE Allogaussia Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Allogaussia Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 245
ARTHROPODA LYSIANASSIDAE Allogaussia galeata Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Allogaussia galeata Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 249, fig. 7
ARTHROPODA LYSIANASSIDAE Allogaussia litoralis Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Orchomenella (Orchomenella) franklini (Walker, 1903) Primary 248, fig. 6
ARTHROPODA LYSIANASSIDAE Allogaussia paradoxa Schellenberg, 1926 synonym Allogaussia paradoxa Schellenberg, 1926 Primary 246, fig. 5
ARTHROPODA LYSIANASSIDAE Orchomenella cavimanus (Stebbing, 1888) Generic Combination Orchomenella (Orchomenopsis) cavimanus (Stebbing, 1888) 285, fig. 25

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