Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Hong, X., Ji, J., Ma, J. & Dong, H. 1998. Tests of host plant suitability of the tea pink mite, Acaphylla theae (Eriopyoidea: Eriophyidae), at different tempertaures. Systematic and Applied Acarology 3: 63-68

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA ERIOPHYIDAE Acaphylla steinwedeni Keifer, 1943 Valid Name Acaphylla steinwedeni Keifer, 1943 Introduction
ARTHROPODA ERIOPHYIDAE Acaphylla theae (Watt & Mann, 1903) Valid Name Acaphylla theae (Watt & Mann, 1903) Introduction
ARTHROPODA ERIOPHYIDAE Calacarus carinatus (Green, 1890) Valid Name Calacarus carinatus (Green, 1890) Introduction
ARTHROPODA ERIOPHYIDAE Cosetacus camelliae (Keifer, 1945) Valid Name Cosetacus camelliae (Keifer, 1945) Introduction

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