Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Shaw, M. 2010. Post-larval stages of Ascoschoengastia (Laurentella) lorius (Gunther) (Acariformes: Trombiculidae) provide evidence for a nest-based life history. Zootaxa 2680: 55–64

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Ascoschoengastia deficiens Lester, 1984 Valid Name Ascoschoengastia deficiens Lester, 1984 Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Ascoschoengastia incurva (Womersley, 1952) Valid Name Ascoschoengastia incurva (Womersley, 1952) Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Ascoschoengastia indica (Hirst, 1915) Valid Name Ascoschoengastia indica (Hirst, 1915) Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Ascoschoengastia lorius (Gunther, 1939) Valid Name Ascoschoengastia lorius (Gunther, 1939) Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Ascoschoengastia rattus (Womersley & Heaslip, 1943) Valid Name Ascoschoengastia rattus (Womersley & Heaslip, 1943) Introduction
ARTHROPODA TROMBICULIDAE Ascoschoengastia setosa Goff, 1979 Valid Name Ascoschoengastia setosa Goff, 1979 Introduction

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