Showing references 1 to 31 on page 1 of 1.
Phylum | Family | Name | Name Type | Valid Name | Usage | Page |
ARTHROPODA | BRACHYSTOMELLIDAE | Brachystomella fungicola Womersley, 1933 | Valid Name | Brachystomella fungicola Womersley, 1933 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | BRACHYSTOMELLIDAE | Setanodosa Salmon, 1942 | Valid Name | Setanodosa Salmon, 1942 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | ENTOMOBRYIDAE | Acanthocyrtus Handschin, 1925 | Valid Name | Acanthocyrtus Handschin, 1925 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | ENTOMOBRYIDAE | Drepanura Schött, 1891 | Valid Name | Drepanura Schött, 1891 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | ENTOMOBRYIDAE | Drepanura cinquilineata Womersley, 1934 | Valid Name | Drepanura cinquilineata Womersley, 1934 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | ENTOMOBRYIDAE | Entomobrya atrocincta Schött, 1896 | Valid Name | Entomobrya atrocincta Schött, 1896 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | ENTOMOBRYIDAE | Entomobrya multifasciata (Tullberg, 1871) | Valid Name | Entomobrya multifasciata (Tullberg, 1871) | Introduction | 11 |
ARTHROPODA | ENTOMOBRYIDAE | Entomobrya unostrigata Stach, 1930 | Valid Name | Entomobrya unostrigata Stach, 1930 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | ENTOMOBRYIDAE | Lepidosira Schött, 1925 | Valid Name | Lepidosira Schött, 1925 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | ENTOMOBRYIDAE | Pseudosinella Schäffer, 1897 | Valid Name | Pseudosinella Schäffer, 1897 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | ENTOMOBRYIDAE | Seira Lubbock, 1869 | Valid Name | Seira Lubbock, 1869 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | HYPOGASTRURIDAE | Ceratophysella Börner, 1932 | Valid Name | Ceratophysella Börner, 1932 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | HYPOGASTRURIDAE | Hypogastrura Bourlet, 1839 | Valid Name | Hypogastrura Bourlet, 1839 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | HYPOGASTRURIDAE | Triacanthella Schäffer, 1897 | Valid Name | Triacanthella Schäffer, 1897 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | ISOTOMIDAE | Ballistura schoetti (Dalla Torre, 1895) | Valid Name | Ballistura schoetti (Dalla Torre, 1895) | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | ISOTOMIDAE | Cryptopygus antarcticus Willem, 1901 | Valid Name | Cryptopygus antarcticus Willem, 1901 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | ISOTOMIDAE | Folsomia Willem, 1902 | Valid Name | Folsomia Willem, 1902 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | ISOTOMIDAE | Folsomina onychiurina Denis, 1931 | Valid Name | Folsomina onychiurina Denis, 1931 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | ISOTOMIDAE | Hemisotoma thermophilus (Axelson, 1900) | Valid Name | Hemisotoma thermophilus (Axelson, 1900) | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | ISOTOMIDAE | Isotomodes Axelson, 1907 | Valid Name | Isotomodes Axelson, 1907 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | ISOTOMIDAE | Isotopenola australis (Womersley, 1934) | Valid Name | Isotopenola australis (Womersley, 1934) | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | ISOTOMIDAE | Proisotoma dubius (Deharveng, 1981) | Valid Name | Proisotoma dubius (Deharveng, 1981) | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | NEELIDAE | Megalothorax Willem, 1900 | Valid Name | Megalothorax Willem, 1900 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | SMINTHURIDIDAE | Sminthurides Börner, 1900 | Valid Name | Sminthurides Börner, 1900 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | SMINTHURIDIDAE | Sphaeridia Linnaniemi, 1912 | Valid Name | Sphaeridia Linnaniemi, 1912 | Synonymy references | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | KATIANNIDAE | Katianna australis Womersley, 1932 | Valid Name | Katianna australis Womersley, 1932 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | KATIANNIDAE | Polykatianna Salmon, 1946 | Valid Name | Polykatianna Salmon, 1946 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | NEANURIDAE | Ceratrimeria Börner, 1906 | Valid Name | Ceratrimeria Börner, 1906 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | ORCHESELLIDAE | Australotomurus womersleyi Mari Mutt & Greenslade, 1985 | Valid Name | Australotomurus womersleyi Mari Mutt & Greenslade, 1985 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | TULLBERGIIDAE | Tullbergia Lubbock, 1876 | Valid Name | Tullbergia Lubbock, 1876 | Introduction | 10 |
ARTHROPODA | TULLBERGIIDAE | Tullbergia trisetosa Schäffer, 1897 [misidentification] | Miscellaneous Literature Name | Tullbergia gambiense Womersley, 1935 |
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