Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Hale, H.M. 1949. Australian Cumacea. No. 16 The family Nannastacidae. Records of the South Australian Museum (Adelaide) 9: 225-245

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA CUMACEA Krøyer, 1846 Valid Name CUMACEA Krøyer, 1846 Introduction
ARTHROPODA NANNASTACIDAE Campylaspis echinata Hale, 1945 Valid Name Campylaspis echinata Hale, 1945 Introduction 244
ARTHROPODA NANNASTACIDAE Campylaspis unisulcata Hale, 1945 Valid Name Campylaspis unisulcata Hale, 1945 Introduction 243
ARTHROPODA NANNASTACIDAE Cumella (Cumella) michaelseni Zimmer, 1914 Valid Name Cumella (Cumella) michaelseni Zimmer, 1914 Introduction 238
ARTHROPODA NANNASTACIDAE Cumella similis Fage, 1945 Species Excluded Misidentifications Cumella Sars, 1865
ARTHROPODA NANNASTACIDAE Cumella similis Fage, 1945 Species Excluded Misidentifications Cumella Sars, 1865
ARTHROPODA NANNASTACIDAE Nannastacus nichollsi Hale, 1949 synonym Scherocumella nichollsi (Hale, 1949) Primary 227, figs 1, 2
ARTHROPODA NANNASTACIDAE Nannastacus vietus Hale, 1949 synonym Scherocumella vieta (Hale, 1949) Primary 230, fig. 34
ARTHROPODA NANNASTACIDAE Schizotrema leopardina Hale, 1949 synonym Schizotrema leopardinum Hale, 1949 Primary 234, figs 5, 6
ARTHROPODA NANNASTACIDAE Schizotrema resima Hale, 1949 synonym Schizotrema resima Hale, 1949 Primary 236, figs 7, 8
ARTHROPODA BODOTRIIDAE Cumellopsis australiensis Hale, 1949 synonym Apocuma australiense (Hale, 1949) Primary 239, figs 10, 11

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