Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Jameson, E.W. 1955. A summary of the genera of Myobiidae (Acarina). Journal of Parasitology 41: 407-416

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA MYOBIIDAE Acanthophthirius clarus (Womersley, 1941) Valid Name Acanthophthirius clarus (Womersley, 1941) Introduction
ARTHROPODA MYOBIIDAE Binuncus magnus (Radford, 1934) Valid Name Binuncus magnus (Radford, 1934) Introduction
ARTHROPODA MYOBIIDAE Calcarmyobia miniopteris (Womersley, 1941) Valid Name Calcarmyobia miniopteris (Womersley, 1941) Introduction
ARTHROPODA MYOBIIDAE Ewingana bispinosa Radford, 1952 Valid Name Ewingana bispinosa Radford, 1952 Introduction
ARTHROPODA MYOBIIDAE Myobia murismusculi (Schrank, 1781) Valid Name Myobia murismusculi (Schrank, 1781) Introduction
ARTHROPODA MYOBIIDAE Pteracarus chalinolobus (Womersley, 1941) Valid Name Pteracarus chalinolobus (Womersley, 1941) Introduction
ARTHROPODA MYOBIIDAE Radfordia affinis (Poppe, 1896) Valid Name Radfordia affinis (Poppe, 1896) Introduction
ARTHROPODA MYOBIIDAE Radfordia ensifera (Poppe, 1896) Valid Name Radfordia ensifera (Poppe, 1896) Introduction

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