Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


McKay, R.J. 1979. The Wolf Spiders of Australia (Araneae: Lycosidae): 12. Descriptions of some Western Australian species. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 19: 241-275

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Hogna crispipes (L. Koch, 1877) Valid Name Hogna crispipes (L. Koch, 1877) Introduction 253 figs 4e-f, m
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Knoelle clara (L. Koch, 1877) Valid Name Knoelle clara (L. Koch, 1877) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa ariadnae McKay, 1979 synonym Lycosa ariadnae McKay, 1979 Primary 241
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa australicola (Strand, 1913) Valid Name Lycosa australicola (Strand, 1913) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa clara L. Koch, 1877 Generic Combination Knoelle clara (L. Koch, 1877) 249-252, figs 3a-l
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa crispipes L. Koch, 1877 Generic Combination Hogna crispipes (L. Koch, 1877) 253 figs 4e-f, m
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa gibsoni McKay, 1979 synonym Lycosa gibsoni McKay, 1979 Primary 255
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa koyuga McKay, 1979 synonym Lycosa koyuga McKay, 1979 Primary 258
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa maini McKay, 1979 synonym Mainosa longipes (L. Koch, 1878) Primary 260
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa marcentior Simon, 1909 Generic Combination Venatrix pullastra (Simon, 1909) 263-264 figs 8A-D
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa marcentior Simon, 1909 Miscellaneous Literature Name Venatrix pullastra (Simon, 1909) 263-264 figs 8A-D
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa meracula Simon, 1909 [misidentification] Miscellaneous Literature Name Costacosa dondalei Framenau & Leung, 2013 figs 9a, b, h
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa meracula Simon, 1909 [misidentification] Miscellaneous Literature Name Costacosa torbjorni Framenau & Leung, 2013 figs 9c–g, i–k
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa tula (Strand, 1913) Valid Name Lycosa tula (Strand, 1913) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa woonda McKay, 1979 synonym Lycosa woonda McKay, 1979 Primary 269
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa yalkara McKay, 1979 synonym Lycosa yalkara McKay, 1979 Primary 271
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Mainosa Framenau, 2006 Valid Name Mainosa Framenau, 2006 Introduction
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Tarentula tula Strand, 1913 synonym Lycosa tula (Strand, 1913) Type Data

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