Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Rayment, T. in Erickson, R. & Rayment, T. 1951. Simple social bees of Western Australia. Western Australian Naturalist 3: 45-59 [Date published 31/12/1951]

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA MEGACHILIDAE Megachile gilbertiella Cockerell, 1910 Valid Name Megachile gilbertiella Cockerell, 1910 Introduction
ARTHROPODA MEGACHILIDAE Megachile gilbertiella silvestris Rayment, 1951 synonym Megachile silvestris Rayment, 1951 Primary 53
ARTHROPODA APIDAE Exoneura (Exoneura) laeta Alfken, 1907 Valid Name Exoneura (Exoneura) laeta Alfken, 1907 Introduction
ARTHROPODA APIDAE Exoneura (Exoneura) obscura Alfken, 1907 Valid Name Exoneura (Exoneura) obscura Alfken, 1907 Introduction 50
ARTHROPODA APIDAE Exoneura (Exoneura) perpensa Cockerell, 1922 Valid Name Exoneura (Exoneura) perpensa Cockerell, 1922 Introduction
ARTHROPODA APIDAE Exoneura (Exoneura) pictifrons Alfken, 1907 Valid Name Exoneura (Exoneura) pictifrons Alfken, 1907 Introduction
ARTHROPODA APIDAE Exoneura albopilosa Rayment, 1951 synonym Exoneura (Exoneura) albopilosa Rayment, 1951 Primary 51
ARTHROPODA APIDAE Exoneura illustris Rayment, 1951 synonym Exoneura (Exoneura) illustris Rayment, 1951 Primary 49
ARTHROPODA APIDAE Exoneura minutissima Rayment, 1951 synonym Exoneura (Brevineura) minutissima Rayment, 1951 Primary 52

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