Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Raven, R.J. 1980. The evolution and biogeography of the mygalomorph spider family Hexathelidae (Araneae, Chelicerata). Journal of Arachnology 8: 251-266 [Oct. 1980]

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA HEXATHELIDAE Bymainiella terraereginae (Raven, 1976) Valid Name Bymainiella terraereginae (Raven, 1976) Introduction
ARTHROPODA HEXATHELIDAE Paraembolides Raven, 1980 synonym Paraembolides Raven, 1980 Primary 254
ARTHROPODA HEXATHELIDAE Paraembolides boycei (Raven, 1978) Valid Name Paraembolides boycei (Raven, 1978) Introduction
ARTHROPODA HEXATHELIDAE Paraembolides boydi (Raven, 1978) Valid Name Paraembolides boydi (Raven, 1978) Introduction
ARTHROPODA HEXATHELIDAE Paraembolides brindabella (Raven, 1978) Valid Name Paraembolides brindabella (Raven, 1978) Introduction
ARTHROPODA HEXATHELIDAE Paraembolides cannoni (Raven, 1978) Valid Name Paraembolides cannoni (Raven, 1978) Introduction
ARTHROPODA HEXATHELIDAE Paraembolides grayi (Raven, 1978) Valid Name Paraembolides grayi (Raven, 1978) Introduction
ARTHROPODA HEXATHELIDAE Paraembolides montibossi (Raven, 1978) Valid Name Paraembolides montibossi (Raven, 1978) Introduction
ARTHROPODA HEXATHELIDAE Paraembolides tubrabucca (Raven, 1978) Valid Name Paraembolides tubrabucca (Raven, 1978) Introduction
ARTHROPODA HEXATHELIDAE Paraembolides variabilis (Raven, 1978) Valid Name Paraembolides variabilis (Raven, 1978) Introduction
ARTHROPODA HEXATHELIDAE Plesiothele fentoni (Hickman, 1936) Valid Name Plesiothele fentoni (Hickman, 1936) Introduction
ARTHROPODA HEXATHELIDAE Terania Raven, 1980 synonym Teranodes Raven, 1985 Primary 253
ARTHROPODA HEXATHELIDAE Teranodes montana (Hickman, 1927) Valid Name Teranodes montana (Hickman, 1927) Introduction
ARTHROPODA HEXATHELIDAE Teranodes otwayensis (Raven, 1978) Valid Name Teranodes otwayensis (Raven, 1978) Introduction

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