Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Evans, H.E. & Matthews, R.W. 1973. Behavioural observations on some Australian spider wasps (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae). Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 125(1): 45–55

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Auplopus canberra (Evans, 1972) Valid Name Auplopus canberra (Evans, 1972) Introduction 47
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Auplopus dilga (Evans, 1972) Valid Name Auplopus dilga (Evans, 1972) Introduction 47
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Ceropales (Priesnerius) ligea Bingham, 1903 Valid Name Ceropales (Priesnerius) ligea Bingham, 1903 Introduction 50
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Ceropales ligea Bingham, 1903 [POMPILIDAE] (Hymenoptera) Associated Fauna Telostegus socius (Evans, 1972) 49–50
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Cryptocheilus bicolor (Fabricius, 1775) Valid Name Cryptocheilus bicolor (Fabricius, 1775) Introduction 46–47
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Cryptocheilus bicolor (Fabricius, 1775) Generic Combination Cryptocheilus bicolor (Fabricius, 1775) 46
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Ctenostegus warragai Evans, 1972 Valid Name Ctenostegus warragai Evans, 1972 Introduction 53
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Fabriogenia consociata (Turner, 1910) Valid Name Fabriogenia consociata (Turner, 1910) Introduction 47
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Fabriogenia consociata (Turner, 1910) Generic Combination Fabriogenia consociata (Turner, 1910) 47
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Fabriogenia fusiformis (Saussure, 1867) Valid Name Fabriogenia fusiformis (Saussure, 1867) Introduction 48
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Fabriogenia fusiformis (Saussure, 1867) Generic Combination Fabriogenia fusiformis (Saussure, 1867) 48
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Pompilus bassianus (Turner, 1917) Generic Combination Turneromyia bassiana (Turner, 1917) 52
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Pompilus cinereus (Fabricius, 1775) Valid Name Pompilus cinereus (Fabricius, 1775) Introduction 52
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Protomiltogramma sp. [SARCOPHAGIDAE] (Diptera) Associated Fauna Telostegus socius (Evans, 1972) 49–50
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Telostegus nigrocinerascens (Turner, 1910) Valid Name Telostegus nigrocinerascens (Turner, 1910) Introduction 51
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Telostegus socius (Evans, 1972) Valid Name Telostegus socius (Evans, 1972) Introduction 48–50
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Telostegus thomisivorus Evans, 1972 Valid Name Telostegus thomisivorus Evans, 1972 Introduction 50, 51
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Turneromyia bassiana (Turner, 1917) Valid Name Turneromyia bassiana (Turner, 1917) Introduction 52
ARTHROPODA POMPILIDAE Turneromyia belardoo (Evans, 1972) Valid Name Turneromyia belardoo (Evans, 1972) Introduction 47, 52, 53

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