Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Carter, H.J. 1916. Revision of the genus Stigmodera, and descriptions of some new species of Buprestidae. (Order Coleoptera). Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 40: 78–144, pls 9,10

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Stigmoderina Lacordaire, 1857 Valid Name Stigmoderina Lacordaire, 1857 Introduction
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Temognatha Solier, 1833 Valid Name Temognatha Solier, 1833 Introduction 92
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Temognatha Solier, 1833 Valid Name Temognatha Solier, 1833 Synonymy references 86
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Temognatha coelesta (Thomson, 1857) Valid Name Temognatha coelesta (Thomson, 1857) Synonymy references 92
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Temognatha oleata (Blackburn, 1894) Valid Name Temognatha oleata (Blackburn, 1894) Introduction 83
ARTHROPODA BUPRESTIDAE Temognatha suturalis (Donovan, 1805) Valid Name Temognatha suturalis (Donovan, 1805) Introduction 93

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