Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Chûjô, M. & Voss, E. 1960. Neue Curculioniden-Subfamilie, -Gattungen und-Arten von Japan. Memoirs of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Education, Kagama University II 94: 1-17, figs 1-2

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA CURCULIONIDAE Isonycholips Chûjô & Voss, 1960 subjective synonym Aphela Pascoe, 1865 Primary 12
ARTHROPODA CURCULIONIDAE Pentacotaster Chûjô & Voss, 1960 subjective synonym Dryotribus Horn, 1873 Primary 15
ARTHROPODA CURCULIONIDAE Pentacotaster nagayamai Chûjô & Voss, 1960 subjective synonym Dryotribus mimeticus Horn, 1873 Primary 16

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