Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Gama, M.M. da 1967. Collemboles du genre Xenylla trouvés dans les Îles Salamon et dans l'Archipel de Bismark. Noona Dan Papers No. 39. Memórias e Estudos do Museu Zoológico da Universidade de Coimbra 300: 1-21

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA HYPOGASTRURIDAE Xenylla manusiensis Gama, 1967 synonym Xenylla manusiensis Gama, 1967 Primary 16
ARTHROPODA HYPOGASTRURIDAE Xenylla stachi Gama, 1966 Valid Name Xenylla stachi Gama, 1966 Taxonomic arrangement 5
ARTHROPODA HYPOGASTRURIDAE Xenylla stachi wolffi Gama, 1967 synonym Xenylla stachi wolffi Gama, 1967 Primary 15
ARTHROPODA HYPOGASTRURIDAE Xenylla thibaudi massoudi Gama, 1967 synonym Thibaudylla thibaudi (Massoud, 1965) Primary

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