Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Kimmins, D.E. 1959. Corrections to "The Trichoptera (Caddis-flies) of Australia and New Zealand" (1953, Mosely and Kimmins). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 95: 182-185 [Date published Aug. 1959]

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA HYDROBIOSIDAE Ptychobiosis nigrita (Banks, 1939) Valid Name Ptychobiosis nigrita (Banks, 1939) Synonymy references 184
ARTHROPODA HYDROBIOSIDAE Taschorema Mosely, 1936 Valid Name Taschorema Mosely, 1936 Synonymy references 184
ARTHROPODA HYDROBIOSIDAE Taschorema pallescens (Banks, 1939) Valid Name Taschorema pallescens (Banks, 1939) Introduction

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